Page 32 - Mid America Boating - January 2025 issue
P. 32
Stone Laboratory announces
classes for Summer 2025
habits of the spider families in the field.
Stone Lab also offers professional devel-
By Jill Jentes Banicki, hands-on outdoor science experi- opment for water resource professionals
Assistant Director, Communications, ence in areas such as amphibians, who are seeking continuing education
Ohio Sea Grant College Program birds, fish, wetland plants, and foun- through Stone Lab workshops on topics
dational knowledge about numer- such as cyanobacteria, fish sampling, and
The summer 2025 course schedule is ous Lake Erie ecosystems. Introduc- algae or moss identification.
now available for interested high school tory courses are open to advanced A full course listing is available at go.osu.
students, college students, teachers, and high school students – sophomores, edu/SLcourses, and students can apply
the public to attend Stone Laboratory, juniors, and seniors who have already starting January 2025. Applicants will be
The Ohio State University’s island campus taken biology – as well as to college accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
on Lake Erie. undergraduates in any major, while Stone Lab awards scholarships each year
Students can earn two college credits in the wide-variety of advanced level based on both academic merit and finan-
one- or two-week courses and four credits courses are ideal for science majors cial need. The scholarship application will
in four- or six- week courses this coming looking for practical experience in be open starting November 1, 2024 with
summer in subjects like aquatic biology, their chosen field. a deadline of February 15, 2025 for Ohio
ecology, and fish taxonomy. Credits are transferable to most State students and a deadline of March 28,
These Stone Lab classes, as part of the U.S. colleges, and students taking courses reduced tuition rate compared to Ohio 2025 for non-Ohio State students and high
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environ- during the summer term get the added State’s autumn and spring semesters. school students. All those taking courses
mental Sciences, provide students with a benefit of smaller class sizes and a 25% “Stone Lab provides students with for college credit are encouraged to apply.
incredible field-based learning and skills For more information , visit
that can help them as they go into an Ohio Sea Grant is supported by The
increasingly competitive job market and Ohio State University College of Food,
graduate schools,” said Ohio Sea Grant Agricultural, and Environmental Scienc-
and Stone Laboratory director Chris es (CFAES) School of Environment and
Winslow. “Stone Lab courses provide Natural Resources, Ohio State University
students with hands-on experience that Extension, and NOAA Sea Grant, a network
they would not get otherwise and skills of 34 Sea Grant programs nation-wide dedi-
that they’ll use for years.” cated to the protection and sustainable use
Returning to Stone Lab’s summer 2025 of marine and Great Lakes resources. Stone
schedule are Ecology, a six-week, four-cred- Laboratory is Ohio State’s island campus
it advanced level course on the distribution on Lake Erie and is the research, education,
and abundance of species and ecosystem and outreach facility of Ohio Sea Grant and
dynamics, as well as an Understanding part of CFAES School of Environment and
Spiders workshop, a two-day, non-credit Natural Resources. MAB
workshop about the common behaviors and
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