Page 19 - Mid America Boating - July 2023 issue
P. 19

Ohio legislature revises tax policy                                                                          WE MAKE YOUR SERVICE AND

      to spur boating businesses                                                                                   STORAGE NEEDS CONVENIENT
                                                                                                                          AND AFFORDABLE

      Ohio’s recreational boating businesses are   The new provisions will encourage out-of-
      applauding the recent action of the Ohio   state owners to use winter boat storage and                                      Offering
      General Assembly to modify a tax law that’s   its related services in Ohio. That’s because                             THE MOST
      been causing out-of-state boatowners to   out-of-state customers will no longer face a
      balk at giving their business to Buckeye     provision in Ohio’s Use Tax policy that would                          COMPETITIVE
      State dealers and marinas.                  tax them on the value of their boat
        For several years, the                        because it’s in winter storage                                      STORAGE PRICING                  19     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     JULY 2023
      Boating Associations of                            for more than 90 days. In
      Ohio (BAO) has been                                  the past, boating organi-                       We ARE your           AROUND!
      seeking a revision to                                  zations in neighboring            FULL SERVICE
      a Use Tax policy that                                   states have literally
      would  make  the                                         issued warnings to      MARINE SHIPYARD
      law more accept-                                          their members to                                           • Engine, driveline & stern drive repair
      able to  out-of-                                          “never winter store                                        • Full, minor to major fiberglass repair
      state  boatown-                                           your boat in Ohio                                          • Complete gelcoat & paint services
      ers and, thereby,                                          or face a Use Tax!”                                       • Headliners, wall liners, upholstery
      increase   busi-                                            “We don’t want
      ness for Ohio. The                                        any customer to                                             & full carpeting repair or installation
      proposed change                                           keep their business                                        • All winterization needs
      was passed by the                                        out of Ohio over fear                                       • Mobile dockside services
      General Assembly                                         of an unexpected tax                                        • Plus – heated or cold inside storage
      in House Bill 66 and                                   bill.,” said Michelle
      signed by Ohio Gover-                                 Burke, BAO’ Executive
      nor DeWine.                                         Director. “This needed                                              9454 Park Row, Lakeside,
        The provision was spon-                         revision has been narrowly                                         Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440
      sored by Representative D.J.                  crafted to prevent any abuse and                                            419 798-2628 Office
      Swearingen who represents Erie and      Ohio’s overall tax base is still protected.”                                       419 798-4700 Fax
      Ottawa Counties.                        According to Burke, this long-sought                                 
        “Boating, especially on Lake Erie, and the   change is expected to result in more
      economic impact it has on my district, is   off-season business for dealers, marinas
      critically  important,”  said Swearingen.  “It’s   and boat yards, secure jobs in the industry
      been an honor to  champion  this  bill and I   and, hopefully, even spur additional water-
      am certain it will help Ohio’s marine trade   craft sales. MAB                      30 TON & 70 TON HOISTS
      businesses thrive.”
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