Page 19 - Mid America Boating - September/October 2024 issue
P. 19

Take a kid fishing from page 15

        Sound simple enough? It is – and if   time teaching them how to bait their hooks,
      carefully selected, the equipment could last   or maybe they just didn’t want to learn. On a
      for years to come. If in the past you have not   good day they always out fished me because
      been interested or experienced in fishing,   I was too busy rigging and baiting hooks to
      why not give it a try? Perhaps you and your   have a chance.
      kids will discover it to be both rewarding and   My girls are all grown now and have moved
      relaxing. It may take your mind away from all   in four different directions. Each has blessed
      the cares with which you and your youngsters   me with a grandchild or two. I don’t get to see
      have been burdened.                   the youngsters as often as I would like but each
        If you take your kids fishing, don’t begin   time a trip to Grandpas is planned, the first
      with an all-day trip.                 thing they want to know is, “Can we go fishing?”
        If the fish don’t bite and the youngsters   I’ve fished with my grandkids – boys
      want to quit after awhile, don’t force them to   and girls, on little docks where we caught                                                          19     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2024
      keep trying. Suggest to them the fish may bite   grasshoppers for bait and threw the line out
      better the next trip. Try not to begin the fishing   on a lake no bigger than a large puddle. I’ve
      experience on a long charter way offshore. Give   fished with all of them on my charter boat
      the kids a chance to get the feel of things first   on the Great Lakes and some have joined
      before expecting too much of them.    me for fishing on ocean waters. Each trip has
        A trip to a dock or breakwall, along a river   provided great memories.
      or even just on a small pond, is a good place   When my grandson Kyle was a hyper
      to start. A creek bank can provide a good   8-year old, seldom seen without his Game
      opportunity to catch dinner or just catch   Boy, he would settle right down and fish
      and release fish. The fun and enjoyment   seriously. He would also often out-fish me.
      is still there and the squeals, laughter and   One of my best memories is when Kyle   The charter I operated on Lake Huron was a   and then I saw them “again” with their kids.
      excitement of watching a kid catch a fish can   caught a nice grouper while ocean fishing. It   family activity, one that went out for half-day   One thing I never heard on my charterboat
      even make you feel younger. There is one   was unfortunate the fish measured one inch   excursions for perch. Although I discouraged   was the beeping of a game boy or a plea to go
      common drawback to fishing with kids; the   short of legal size. Kyle was only six at the   bringing kids under 6 because the trip lasted   home to the TV or computer.
      adult often has to have a slice of humble   time and he cried when we gently removed   almost five hours, the many youngsters that   If you take a kid fishing, you may discover
      pie. My experience has been youngsters   his hook and released the fish. A year or   come often remarked when leaving the boat,   fishing and chatting with your children could
      frequently catch the most and biggest fish.  so later, I landed a nice 35 pound grouper   “When can we go again?”  form a whole new bond and memories that
        As the father of four girls that all loved   and emailed a picture of it to Kyle. The first   Another observation I passed along from   are everlasting. MAB
      fishing, I have many fond recollections. I   thing Kyle said when I called him later was,   my 24 years of charter experience was the fact
      recall when daughter number one caught a   “I think that is the one you made me throw   fishing is not just a father and son activity.   Perils of the Freshwater Seas, an anthology of
      large pike fishing in Bird Creek in Port Austin,   back, Grandpa.” This year Kyle landed a small   I took fathers and daughters, mothers and   stories and experiences written by Captain Fred
      Michigan and wanted to “save” it in the   shovelhead shark (pictured above right) –   sons, uncles with nephews and nieces and   Davis is available for $22.30 (includes shipping)
      laundry tub. Another time I took two of the   quite a thrill and with the photo we took,   whole families. Once the kids got “hooked,”   E-Mail:
      girls fishing in our small boat. I had a tough   quite a “show and tell.”    I saw them again and again as they grew up

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