Page 3 - Mid America Boating - September/October 2023 issue
P. 3

Boating plays a big role at                                    Ohio lawmakers and business leaders from   Catawba Moorings, Clemons Boats, Pier 53,

                                                                                  throughout the state gathered at the recent   South Shore Marine, Skipper Buds and True
                 Ohio Chamber Conference                                          Ohio Chamber of Commerce’s Policy Confer-  North Yacht Sales.
                                                                                  ence held in Sandusky, and boating was a
                                                                                                                         “We were pleased to have 20 lawmakers on
                                                                                  major feature for attendees.         board, including key members of House and
                                                                                   The Ohio Marine Trades Association   Senate Leadership,” Burke noted, “and we also
                                                                                  (OMTA) organized and sponsored the recre-  had former Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor
                                                                                  ational boating activity, showcasing the   aboard. Plus, area leaders from CedarFair and
                                                                                  Lake Erie Islands area by taking conference   Shores & Islands Ohio joined us, too.”
                                                                                  attendees on a cruise from Saw Mill Creek to   While on South Bass Island, the group
                                                                                  Put-in-Bay.                          spent time visiting local businesses and
                                                                                   “It was a perfect sunny day with superb   checking out some special exhibits that were
                                                                                  lake conditions,” recalls Michelle Burke,   also on the island as part of Lake Erie Aware-
                                                                                  OMTA executive director, “and many of the   ness Day, a separate event that was being   3     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2023
                                                                                  people aboard our boats said they were in   held there simultaneously.
                                                                                  awe of the boats and the experience. And   Finally, all participants received a copy
                                                                                  that was our goal – for them to taste our   of  “Boating Means Big Business In Ohio,”
                                                                                  boating lifestyle!”                  an economic impact study just released
                                                                                   OMTA member dealers that donated one   by OMTA that updates just how extensive
                                                                                  or more boats, time and their local expertise   and popular recreational boating is in the
                                                                                  to make the afternoon a success included:   Buckeye State at $6.4 billion annually. MAB

                                                                                      Boating’s impact in Ohio…

                                                                                      Boating brings big business to Ohio. A recent study shows the state’s boating
                                                                                      industry produced an economic impact of $6.4 billion in 2022. According to the
                                                                                      study, published by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of
                                                                                      Parks and Watercraft, the boating industry also accounted for 45,856 jobs.
                                                                                        “The boating industry lifts up the economy for local communities all across
                                                                                      Ohio,” ODNR Director Mary Mertz said. “The boost ripples out from the water and
                                                                                      into local business, while supporting jobs all along the shores, from marinas and
                                                                                      boat dealers on the coast, to restaurants and hotels further inland.”
                                                                                                                       See Boating’s impact on next page
      Ohio lawmakers and business leaders from throughout the state gathered at a
      recent Ohio Chamber of Commerce Policy Conference held in Sandusky.
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