Page 12 - Mid America Boating - August 2023 issue
P. 12

WE MAKE YOUR SERVICE AND                   Navy Women from page 13              specialized, requiring both dedication and
                                       STORAGE NEEDS CONVENIENT                                                        skill, according to Navy officials. The jobs
                                              AND AFFORDABLE                                                           range from maintaining engines to handling
      AUGUST 2023     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     12
                                                                                 Cleveland native serves               weaponry along with a multitude of other
                                                                                                                       assignments that keep the ship mission-ready
                                                                                 aboard forward-deployed               at all times.
                                                       Offering                  USS Shoup in Japan                      As a member of the Navy, Harrison is
                                                  THE MOST                                                             part of a world-class organization focused
                                               COMPETITIVE                       By Senior Chief James Thorson, Navy   strengthening  partnerships,  increasing
                                                                                 Office of Community Outreach
                                                                                                                       competitive  warfighting  capabilities  and
                                               STORAGE PRICING                   YOKOSUKA, Japan  - Fireman Caitlyn    sustaining combat-ready forces in support of
                                                                                                                       the National Defense Strategy.
                                                                                                                         “The Navy is all around the world, and defends
                                We ARE your          AROUND!                     Harrison, a native of Cleveland, Ohio, serves   our freedom on the seas,” said Harrison.
                                                                                 in Japan aboard a forward-deployed U.S. Navy
                    FULL SERVICE                                                 warship. USS Shoup.                     Harrison serves in Japan as part of the
            MARINE SHIPYARD                     • Engine, driveline & stern drive repair  Today, Harrison serves  as a gas  turbine   Forward Deployed Naval Forces. These naval
                                                                                   Harrison joined the Navy one year ago.
                                                                                                                       forces operate with allies and partners to
                                                • Full, minor to major fiberglass repair  systems technician aboard USS Shoup.  preserve a free and open Indo-Pacific region.
                                                                                   “I joined the Navy for a new experience
                                                                                                                       Service members in this region are part of the
                                                • Complete gelcoat & paint services  and for the educational opportunities,”   U.S. Pacific Fleet, which has the largest area
                                                • Headliners, wall liners, upholstery   said Harrison.                 of responsibility in the world.
                                                 & full carpeting repair or installation  Growing up in Cleveland, Harrison attended   “As the largest force in our nation’s front
                                                • All winterization needs        Lakewood High School and graduated in 2018.  line against revisionist actors, U.S. Pacific
                                                • Mobile dockside services         Today, Harrison relies upon skills and   Fleet meets this great responsibility with
                                                • Plus – heated or cold inside storage  values similar to those found in Cleveland to   strength, resolve and confidence,” said Adm.
                                                                                 succeed in the military.              Samuel Paparo, U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander.
                                                                                   “I played sports in high school, worked in   “Together with our joint and combined
                                                   9454 Park Row, Lakeside,      restaurants and in customer service,” said   partner operations, we are positioned to
                                                Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440    Harrison. “These experiences gave me team   defend - across all domains - any attempts to
                                                     419 798-2628 Office         building skills and patience.”        threaten our nation, our allies and partner’s
                                                                                   Modern U.S. Navy surface ships provide a
                                                                                                                       security, freedom and well-being.”
                                                      419 798-4700 Fax           wide range of warfighting capabilities in multi-  Harrison and the sailors they serve
                                                threat air, surface and subsurface environments.  with have many opportunities to achieve
                                                                                   A Navy surface ship is capable of operating   accomplishments during their military service.
                                 independently  or  as part  of  carrier  strike   in the Navy,” said Harrison.
                                                                                                                         “I am most proud that I have made it this far
                                                                                 groups, surface action groups or expeditionary
               30 TON & 70 TON HOISTS                                            strike groups.                        train and perform missions, they take pride in
                                                                                                                         As Harrison and other sailors continue to
                                                                                   Jobs  aboard a U.S. Navy  ship are  highly
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