Page 9 - Mid America Boating - August 2023 issue
P. 9

Focus on Boating Safety from USCGA

      It’s a good

      time to do a

      double check

      on most recent                                                                                                                                       9     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]

      boating safety


      Compiled By David G. Epstein, Branch                                                                                                                 AUGUST 2023
      Chief, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

      Boater Education makes a difference. USCG
      statistics show that 75% of fatalities occurred
      on boats where the operator did not receive   be found at:  boaters/fire-extinguisherfaq.php 7

      safety instruction. Applicable state boating   boaters/engine-cut-offdevices.php 6.   •  Alcohol  consumption  remains  the  single
      education requirements may be found by   •  New  fire  extinguisher  regulations  for   greatest contributing factor  in recreational

      visiting the state boating law section at:   recreational vessels took effect on April 20,   boating fatalities. Last year, 16% of deaths  2022, REF (D). These regulations do not   involved alcohol, and we believe these
      boating-laws.php 5                    change the number of fire extinguishers   numbers are underreporting this problem.

                                            required onboard. Per these regulations,   Don’t drink and drive your boat!
                                            owners  of  recreational  vessels  are  •  Get  a  vessel  safety  check  at:  www.cgaux.
                                            now relieved from certain inspection,   org/vsc
                                            maintenance,  and   record   keeping   And always wear your life jacket when   David G. Epstein is an offi cer with the U.S. Coast
                                            requirements. A series of frequently asked   underway! Please wear it because remember   Guard Auxiliary which is the uniformed Auxiliary
                                            questions and supporting  information  may   that heat loss will make it hard to use your   of Team Coast Guard. For more information, please
                                            be found at:  fingers after experiencing hypothermia. MAB  visit

                                                                                                                       authorities. These devices are designed to
                                                   From the BoatUS Foundation:                                         work in remote areas where cellphone cover-
                                                                                                                       age is not available. EPIRBs and PLBs can be
                                                   5 Ways to be seen and                                               rented from the BoatUS Foundation.
                                                                                                                         Sound-Producing Device: A sound produc-
                                                   heard when you really need                                          ing device, such as an installed horn, a hand-
                                                                                                                       held air horn, and even a whistle, can be used
                                                                                                                       to signal for help. Five or more blasts from a
                                                   to summon help                                                      horn or a whistle indicate danger or a danger-
                                                                                                                       ous  situation  is unfolding. Sound-producing
                                                                                                                       devices are required by law on most boats and
                                                                                                                       can be heard over a considerable distance.
                                                                                                                         Visual Distress Signals: Visual Distress

                                                                                                                       Signals (VDS) such as pyrotechnic flares and
                                                                                                                       certain battery-operated SOS light beacons
                                                                                                                       can be used to signal for help when you’re
                                                                                                                       out on the water. Flares and Coast Guard-ap-
                                                                                                                       proved distress lights can be seen from
      • Wearing an engine cut-off switch (ECOS)                                                                        several miles away and are an effective way
      link became a requirement when REF (B)                                                                           to signal for help when other methods of
      modified 46 U.S.C. Section 4312.                                                                                 communication are not available.

                                                                                                                         Distress Flag: A distress flag is an orange

                                                                                                                       flag with a black square and a black circle. If
                                                                                                                       you’re in distress, you can hoist the flag to

                                                                                                                       signal other boats that you need assistance.
                                                                                                                       This is a good alternative for use on small, wet
                                                                                                                       watercraft,  like  kayaks  and  personal  water-
                                                                                                                       craft where traditional flares could get wet or

                                            Visual distress signals can be very effective for summoning help from those assets   storage aboard is a challenge. MAB
                                            closest to your location – fellow boaters – potentially shortening response time.
                                                                                                                       The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and
                                            When you have an emergency on the water,   ers on most waterways. New Digital Selec-  Clean Water is an innovative leader promoting
                                            how do you get help? The nonprofit BoatUS   tive Calling (DSC) radios with a red distress   safe, clean and responsible boating. The Foundation

                                            Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean   button can even send an emergency call and   provides educational outreach directly to boaters
                                            Water reminds boaters that having the ability   other important information such as your   and supports partner organizations nationwide.
                                            to be seen and heard is critically important.   location to authorities automatically when   With millions of boaters on the water, our aim
                                            Here are five ways boaters can prepare for a   properly installed and registered.  is to reduce accidents and fatalities, increase stew-

      • If the vessel has an ECOS link, the operator   safe summer on the water and, if necessary,   Emergency  Beacon: An emergency   ardship of our waterways and keep boating a safe
      most likely must wear it. REF (C) provides   summon rescuers to your location.  beacon, such as an EPIRB (Emergency Posi-  and enjoyable pastime. The BoatUS Foundation is
      specific circumstances when ECOS link wear   VHF Radio: A VHF (Very High Frequency)   tion Indicating Radio Beacon) or PLB (Person-  a national 501(c)(3) nonprofi t organization. Our

      is required. Additional information may   radio is the most reliable way to communicate   al Locator Beacon) can be activated to send   work is primarily funded by grants and individual
                                            with other boats and emergency respond-  a distress signal to satellites and rescue   donations.
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