Page 25 - Mid America Boating - January 2025 issue
P. 25

Last spring, the expansive
                                                                                  Cuyahoga River joined them, with
                                                                                  a stockings of 50,000 steelhead
                                                                                  trout. The 7- to 9-inch youngsters
                                                                                  would head to Lake Erie for the
                                                                                  summer to feed and grow, then
                                                                                  head for their natal streams in
                                                                                  the cold water seasons to spawn
                                                                                  — and provide a world class fly
                                                                                  rod fishery from late fall through
                                                                                  early spring.
                                                                                   The   Cleveland  Metroparks
                                                                                  controls much of the Rocky and                                           25     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     JANUARY 2025
                                                                                  Chagrin rivers, urban and industrial
                                                                                  areas where the steelhead spawn.
                                                                                  “No Fishing” signs don’t exist, and
                                                                                  1-day licenses are $14 for residents
                                                                                  and non-residents. Season licens-
                                                                                  es are $25 and $50.96.
                                                                                   In Spring 2024, the Cuyahoga
                                                                                  River followed the lead of the
                                                                                  Maumee River as the Ohio Divi-
                                                                                  sion of Wildlife released 60 young
                                                                                  hatchery-raised sturgeon, with
                                                                                  the promise of 1,500 more of the
                                                                                  precocious prehistoric yearlings
      A Cleveland Metroparks crew checks out the status of the yearly steelhead trout   to follow this year.
      spawning run on the Rocky River, showing off a trophy fish that arrived very early in   Beside steelhead trout and
      the season. (Photo: D’Arcy Patrick Egan)                                    sturgeon, Ohio already had a
                                                                                  vibrant spring spawning run
      ries ago and the first hatchery in the U.S.   tantly came to life.           of walleye in the Maumee and
      couldn’t reverse the loss in 1853.      The Division of Wildlife, which created an   Sandusky rivers that brought
        Surprisingly, to those of us who grew up   amazing steelhead trout fishery on Lake Erie   thousands of anglers to North-
      on the Cuyahoga River and its tributaries   and its tributaries, had proven the glamor-  west Ohio. While those walleye
      more than a half century ago, a team effort   ous trout could flourish when raised for a   raced back to Lake Erie after   Gregg Gallagher of Fremont, Ohio caught the
      by federal, state and municipal agencies   year in the Castalia State Fish Hatchery, and   spawning, major runs of white   largest smallmouth bass ever weighed from the
      tackled the Cuyahoga’s pollution problem.   now releases 450,000 of the young trout in   bass followed the walleye runs.  Great Lakes while guided by his son, Grant Galla-
      Few thought they would succeed, but — lo   the Vermilion, Rocky, Chagrin, Grand and   The last few years, anglers   gher, on Lake Erie while fishing in November 2022
      and behold! — the Cuyahoga River reluc-  Ashtabula rivers and Conneaut Creek.  See Angling Promise page 26  off Pelee Island. (Photo: Grant Gallagher)

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