Page 26 - Mid America Boating - January 2025 issue
P. 26
Angling Promise from page 25
discovered that channel catfish also voraciously eat smallmouth bass eggs —
spawned in Sandusky Bay in May and June. took their toll.
Trophy catfish in the 20- to 25-pound range But game fish also eat round gobies, and
were readily available for shore anglers and populations of smallmouth bass began to
a new breed of fishing guides that relied blossom. Proof of the trophy status was a
on pontoon boats to provide exceptional 10.15-pound, 16-year-old smallmouth bass
catfish success. caught off Pelee Island in Ontario waters by
With the removal of the Ballville Dam Gregg Gallagher of Fremont, Ohio, guided
on the Sandusky River in Fremont, Ohio, by his tournament bass fishing son, Grant.
Sandusky Bay’s fishery has exploded. It was the largest smallmouth bass ever
Walleye enjoyed expanded river waters caught from Ontario waters, and all of the
for spawning, and Great Lakes. It easily
the harmful algal toppled a 9.5-pound
blooms unique to smallmouth caught
Sandusky Bay were by Michigan angler
disappearing. Randy VanDam in
As the Lake Erie June 1993.
walleye populations There is no doubt,
skyrocketed to almost though, that walleye
100 million fish, and are still favored by
high waters levels Lake Erie anglers.
persisted over an They’re fun to catch,
unusually-long cycle and wonderful on the
over the last decade, the walleye expand- dinner table, a back yard barbecue or a
ed its spawning grounds. Fisheries biol- shore lunch.
ogists knew that the Western Basin reefs The Fall Brawl and Walleye Slam fishing
stretching from Port Clinton to Toledo were derbies each fall have proven that. More than
prime walleye spawning grounds, and now 20,000 anglers entered those walleye contests
many of the areas in the Central Basin that in 2024, hoping to win expensive prizes,
were suitable were solid spawning areas for including fully-rigged fishing boats. MAB
them, as well.
What had been missing for a few years
had been a vibrant smallmouth bass fishery. The author joined Capt. Sam Horn of
Their overharvest in the late 1990s during a Angry Floater Charters on Sandusky
slump in walleye fishing, and the arrival of Bay in May 2024 to catch a 27-pound
millions of invasive round gobies — which channel catfish. (Photo: Sam Horn)
We are excited to announce that
UMYC on Kelleys Island is now
owned and operated by the
Sandusky Yacht Club.
I-LYA members now have another
docking option when using
reciprocity with SYC. Direct Access to Lake Erie
& Sandusky Bay
Now accepting reservations for
2025 group sail-aways Sunday -
Thursday. 25’ to 45’ Floating Docks U Gas Dock
UMYC can accommodate groups YACHT CLUB Market Store U Restaurant U Tiki Bar
up to 20 boats. Entertainment U Sandy Beaches
Call SYC to plan your cruise today! .HOOH\V ,VODQG 2+
Scan the QR code or call:
(419) 798-4434 for more information!
Subject to availability. Must enter into a Dockage Agreement. Amenities vary by marina.
Please contact the marina staff for more details.