Page 20 - Mid America Boating - July 2024 issue
P. 20

With 90% of global commerce traveling by
                                                                                  sea and access to the internet relying on the
                                                                                  security of undersea fiber optic cables, Navy    Try

                                                                                  officials continue to emphasize that the pros-

                                                                                  perity of the United States is directly linked to
                                                                                  recruiting and retaining talented people from   3 for
                                                                                  across the rich fabric of America.
                                                                                   “We will earn and reinforce the trust and

                                                                                  confidence of the American people every
                                                                                  day,” said Adm. Lisa Franchetti, Chief of Naval   Free!
                                                                                  Operations. “Together we will deliver the Navy                           19     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]
                                                                                  the nation needs.”
                                                                                   Irons has many opportunities to achieve
                                                                                  accomplishments during military service.     Get the North Coast’s
                                                                                   “My proudest accomplishment in the Navy    original and best source
                                                                                  is defying the odds,” said Irons. “I ran four   for boaters . And, your fi rst
                                                                                  marathons for physical training. I am proud of   three issues are on us when
                                                                                  having the toughness to see this all the way to
                                                                                                                              you sign up for your free
                                                                                  retirement and seeing my peers and my junior   3-month trial subscription .
              Painesville, Ohio native                                            sailors come up and succeed. I’m hoping to                               JULY 2024

                                                                                  advance to chief petty office and I’m looking
                                                                                  forward to retirement in three years..”
              serves with U.S. Navy                                               forward, around the world and around the
                                                                                   Irons serves a Navy that operates far
                                                                                  clock, promoting the nation’s prosperity
                                                                                  and security.
                                                                                   “Serving in the Navy means continuing the
                                                                                  tradition of my grandfathers,” said Irons. “My
      By Mass Communication Specialist      ville. “My hometown taught me that network-  dad’s father served as a diesel technician on
      1st Class Tracey Bannister, Navy Office   ing with people helps you to accomplish more   a Landing Ship, Tank during the Korean War,

      of Community Outreach                 in life,” said Irons. “It also helped me establish   and my mother’s father, who was a Merchant
                                            a better frame for teamwork and esprit de corps   Marine, sailed the Atlantic during World War II.”  Go to

      Petty Officer 1st Class Jason Irons, a native   (group spirit).”             Irons is grateful to others for helping make
      of Painesville, Ohio, serves the U.S. Navy   Irons joined the Navy 25 years ago. Today,   a Navy career possible.

      assigned to Surface Combat Systems Training   Irons serves as a fire controlman.  “I would like to thank retired Chief Petty   to start your 3-month trial
      Command (SCSTC) LTF Atlantic.           “I joined the Navy to follow in the footsteps   Officer Chris Basham and retired Master   subscription

        Irons  graduated from  Riverside High   of my grandfather,” said Irons. “When I was   Chief Petty Officer Jim Ritch,” said Irons.

      School in 1998.                       thinking about joining, I researched other   “Both of them mentored me, helped me   *New subscribers only, please
        The skills and values needed to succeed in   branches, but found the Navy could provide   overcome my shortcomings and made me a
      the Navy are similar to those found in Paines-  me better opportunities.”   better sailor.” MAB
      It’s dock hunting season:

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              Heated Swimming Pool                                 Monthly Functions:                          children's play area, laundry area,
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