Page 16 - Mid America Boating - July 2024 issue
P. 16

Lake Erie algal                                                                                      Richard McKee, Jr.

      bloom forecast                                                                                       is honored as

      for 2024                                                                                             Mid-America Boating

                                                                                                           Skipper of the Year
      One of Lake Erie Foundation’s top priorities
      is to work to reduce the yearly harmful algal
      blooms. They continue to work towards a 40%                                                          Hello! I am Richard McKee, Jr., and I am honored to be chosen   15     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]
      nutrient reduction in Lake Erie’s western and                                                        as the 2023 Mid-America Boating Skipper of the Year.
      central basins by 2025 so that algal blooms                                                            I grew up in Lakewood, Ohio and graduated from Lakewood
      are less severe in impacting Lake Erie waters.                                                       High School in 1981. After graduation, I joined the United
      LEF works closely with Ohio Sea Grant,                                                               States Marine Corp and served for four years. I am currently
      Stone Lab partners and other groups on this                                                          employed at T-Force Freight as a truck driver.

      specific issue.                                                                                        I was born into a boating family and have been boating for
        According to NOAA’s National Centers for                                                           almost my entire life. I purchased my first boat, a 242 Formula

      Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) website,                                                               in the early 1990s. My second boat was a 30-foot Sunrunner
      Western Lake Erie is projected to experience                                                         Classic, and we currently have a 36-foot Regal Commodore.   JULY 2024
      a moderate harmful algal bloom (HAB) this                                                              My wife and I joined South Shore Cruising Club (SSCC). In

      summer, according to the first 2024 Lake Erie                                                        2002 I became Commodore of SSCC in 2006, and again in
      Harmful Algal Bloom Early Season Projection                                                          2018 since I enjoyed it so much the first time around. I was

      issued by the NCCOS, with support from the                                                           proud to be part of the first father/son Commodores of SSCC.

      National Center for Water Quality Research at                                                        I have also held several committee chair positions. My wife
      Heidelberg University.                                                                               and I are also members of Catawba West Harbor Yacht Club.
        Models currently indicate a likely bloom                                                             In 2005 I started attending Greater Cleveland Boating Asso-
      severity between 4.5 and 7.5 (a moderate bloom                                                       ciation  (GCBA)  meetings  and  became  interested  in  how  to
      is closer to a severity of 5). To date, precipitation                                                get more involved. I started running through the officer chair

      and total bioavailable phosphorus (TBP) loads                                                        positions and became Commander of GCBA in 2010.
      from the Maumee River in April were above                                                              Because my wife states that I can’t say no – I became
      average, with  the second highest  April TBP                                                         involved with International Order of the Blue Gavel (IOBG)
      loads since 2000. If precipitation for the rest                                                      District  7  meetings  and  eventually  held  several  offices  in

      of the spring remains near or below average,                                                         that organization. I was elected IOBG-District 7 President
      a moderate bloom is likely. If precipitation                                                         in 2016. At the same time, I became part of the Inter-Lake
      continues to be above average, a bloom with a                                                        Yachting Association (I-LYA) Powerboat Regatta Committee.
      severity closer to 7 is expected. The uncertainty                                                    In 2013, I began running the chairs of the I-LYA Powerboat
      for this forecast will continue to narrow as addi-                                                   Committee and became Chairman in 2017, and again served
      tional rain and river discharge data is collected                                                    as the 2023 Powerboat Chair. I am also currently a Trustee
      over the next two months. MAB                                                                        with I-LYA. MAB

                                                 Lake Erie is Ohio’s

                                         Most Precious Resource

                             Lake Erie Foundation (LEF) is Lake Erie’s advocate for economic sustainability, legal
                                      defense, education, outreach and innovative sustainable technology.

                                                           Help LEF protect Lake Erie against:

                                          Plastics &                   Wind Farms in                      Harmful
                                        Contaminants                       Lake Erie                    Algal Blooms

                                                           Visit LEF at the Cleveland Boat Show.

                                         Join us and support our mission to ensure Lake Erie is accessible now
                                                 and for future generations at
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