Page 13 - Mid America Boating - July 2024 issue
P. 13

Focus on Boating Safety from USCGA

      TIP S  A N D  T A C TI C S
      JULY 2024     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     12
      Prep to prevent fires onboard

      By David G. Epstein, Branch Chief,    staff or friends) know you are out on the water.
      U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary            You should include a description of the boat,
                                            where you are going and how many people are
      Most boat fires occur due to wire chafing or on   on board. And tell them if you are not back on
      older boats that lack proper preventive main-  time to contact the U.S. Coast Guard or other
      tenance, especially with fuel systems. While   marine authority in case rescue is needed.
      recreational boat fire occurrences may be
      relatively low, those that do occur can cause   Planning:
      damage, injury, and loss of life. So, let’s make   •  Make  sure  you  have  fire  extinguishers   Preventive:   Request a Vessel Safety Check:
      sure that the chances of this happening to you   onboard and ensure they are not expired and   •  Older boats are especially vulnerable to wire   The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary conducts
      on the water are minimized.           ready to use.                         chafing and maintenance related issues that   free vessel safety checks to ensure your boat
                                            •  You should understand where they are and   could cause a fire. Make sure that your boat is   is safe to go out and enjoy the water. Please
      Preparation:                          how to use them.                      well maintained before going on the water.  note that vessel safety checks are not available
      •  Before taking your boat on the water, ensure   •  Tell your passengers where they are too and   •  Have  a  US  Coast  Guard  Auxiliary  flotilla   in all areas, but a virtual safety check may be
      that the wiring is in tip top shape.  explain how to use them.              conduct a vessel safety check to ensure your   an alternative. Contact the Auxiliary: http://
      •  Pay particular attention to wires leading to   •  Just like you would plan an escape route in   boat is safe to go on the water, whether you
      the engine and any chafing.           case of a home fire, make sure you know what   have a new or older boat.   DEPT&category=i-want-a-vsc to see what is
      •  Chafed   wires   should   be   replaced   to do in case of a fire on your craft. And inform   •  Have life jackets for everyone on board and   available in your area.
      immediately.                          your passengers as well.              wear it at all times.
      •  Keep bilges clean.                 •  Have visual distress signals on board such   •  Have a throwable personal flotation device   Take a Boating Safety Class:
      •  Make sure there’s proper ventilation and is   as flares.                 on board.                              Boating safety classes, even if not available
      working correctly.                    •  Ensure  your  horn  is  working  and  have  a   •  Make  sure  fire  extinguishers  are  on  board   in-person, are also available online. Statistics
      •  If you are not an expert, have an experienced   backup device such as a whistle.  and operational.            show that taking safe boating classes save
      mechanic change the wires.            •  If there is a fire in the engine area, cut fuel to                      lives. More information is available here: www.
      •  Check the fuel systems are working properly.  the engine.                 Doing these things (the three Ps) can help
      •  Before inviting guests on the boat take it out   •  Do not use water on an electrical fire, make   avoid a costly fire that causes damage to your   And please remember, wear your life jacket
      for a test run.                       sure you have the correct fire extinguisher   boat or even a worse tragedy on the water. And   at all times! MAB
      •  Have  a  marine  first  aid  kit  on  board  fully   and sweep at the base of the fire if it is small   always remember it is critically important that
      stocked for the amount of people on board.  enough and safe to do so.       you and your passengers wear a life vest.   David G. Epstein is an officer with the U.S. Coast
      •  Make sure you have a marine radio capable   •  Everyone on board should have life jackets   To contact the US Coast Guard Auxiliary for   Guard Auxiliary which is the uniformed Auxiliary
      of contacting authorities for help.   in case you have to abandon ship.     a Vessel Safety Check (including a new virtual   of Team Coast Guard. For more information,
      •  File a float plan so that others (the marina   •  Use your marine radio to call for help.  option) please visit  please visit
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