Page 11 - Mid America Boating - July 2024 issue
P. 11

Boat Smart
      Father/son Fishing Duo from previous page

      mouth bass, and that’s when the whooping and hollering began,” laughed
      JULY 2024     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     10
      Grant. “She was huge, far larger than any bass we’d ever seen, much less   There’s loads of action on the water
      caught. Dad and I were both trembling, and trying to decide our next move.”
        Fortunately, they did everything just right.
        A technical whiz, Grant had positioned a video camera on the boat to record   By Capt. Fred Davis          A “Take Me Fishing” report, released by The Recre-
      the day’s adventure, and it capture the entire experience. He quickly called                                ational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF) and
      his buddy, fishing guide and videographer Ross Robertson, who airs Bigwater   Captain Fred Davis, who dedicated himself to decades   illustrated on the oppoite page, announced that
      Fishing on YouTube, and Jason Clemons of Clemons Boats in Sandusky, Ohio,   of continously promoting boating safety, wrote hundreds   participation in fishing has increased each year for
      where Grant is a member of the pro staff.                        of boating columns for Mid-America Boating and other   several years. All indications, across many fields;
        The Gallaghers were directed that Thursday afternoon to connect with   publications on the subject that were published during   boating, fishing, family outdoor activates point to a
      Travis Hartman, the head of the Ohio Division of Wildlife’s Lake Erie Fisher-  his lifetime. Captain Fred passed away in 2019, but   greater appreciation of on-the-water events.
      ies Station on the shores of Lake Erie in downtown Sandusky, Ohio, where a   many of his discussions about boating safety remain   Many new styles of boats have been produced to
      certified scale would be waiting for them.                       timeless. Here is one of his many columns pertaining to   meet the increased interest in fishing and boating.
        “The head on that smallmouth bass was huge, but even more unusual   the universal message about outfitting a boat for safety   Deck and pontoon boats have gained popularity. A
      was the massive girth,” said Hartman.                            before you launch it for another season.   major reason for the increase is, not only are they
      “It was an amazing specimen, and the   “I still get goose                                                   easy to operate they serve as a platform with a larger
      catch couldn’t have happened to a nicer                          Families increasingly are filling the waterways   capacity per length ratio, providing more room for
      pair of fishermen.”                 bumps when I think           with their active lifestyles, a website titled “Seeker   skiing, tubing, or wake boarding.
        Hartman’s crew were allowed to     about our                   Water Sports” list many of the challenging events.   It is not unusual to see a kayak, specially rigged,
      dissect the bass, discovering it was 16                          Waterski jumping where jumpers fly more than 200   being launched to go out for a day of fishing.
      years old. It was mounted and is now    smallmouth bass…         horizontal feet in the air, Wakeboarding and wake   NuCanoe has a bare-boned option that weighs only
      featured at the Ohio Division of Wild-    and the whooping       surfing, wake skating, Sky skiing on a hydrofoil,   20 pounds, and sells for less than $300.00. It’s called,
      life’s  Sandusky Fish  Research Unit,                            Knee boarding, Tubing on all manner of devices and   “Stand-up Angler” because there is a bar mounted
      305 E. Shoreline Drive, in downtown     and hollering when       old fashioned Slalom skiing. Check out the site to   inside that allows you to stand up to fight your fish.
      Sandusky.  A  replica mount  of the                              view demonstrations of the action. Of course there   NuCanoe also offers the “Pursuit” kayak for the
      record fish adorns the Gallagher home    we had it in the net.”  are also the still very popular activities of paddle   more adventurous anglers. Its weight is 82 pounds
      in Fremont, and makes a few road trips                           boarding and kayaking.                     and ticket price is $1,680.00. You can pack 500 pounds
      to special fishing and boating shows, including the Progressive Cleveland   Take a look at the description of “Wakesurfing” a   of gear in it for an extended trip into the backcountry.
      Boat Show.                                                       sport that has been around since the 60’s but just   Boat shows all over the country have the small
        While the Province of Ontario gets the honors of harboring a record small-  recently gained popularity. You will quickly learn   fishing craft on display for your review. You can also
      mouth bass, it is the largest smallmouth bass ever weighed  in the Great   if it is a sport you wish to try. Riders trail behind a   locate the adventure toys at shows and often enjoy
      Lakes. A few 10-pound smallmouth bass have been caught at Dale Hollow   boat riding its wake without being towed by it. You   a demonstration. MAB
      Lake over the years, thanks to a 21-inch size limit on the 28,000-acre reservoir   ride the steep face below the wave’s peak, just like
      on the Tennessee/Kentucky border.                                surfing. There is a need for a special boat to produce   Perils of the Freshwater Seas, an anthology of stories and
        “I still get goose bumps when I think about our smallmouth bass,” said   the waves. A Pavati AL26 with a sticker price of   experiences  written  by  Captain  Fred  Davis  is  available
      Grant. “I’m lucky to have the video to let us relive the fight it gave dad, and the   $328,000.00 can do just what you need. If you want to   for $22.30 (includes shipping) E-Mail: padavis2006@
      whooping and hollering when we had it in the net.” MAB           try this sport, go to the bank first.
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