Page 3 - Mid America Boating - June 2024 issue
P. 3

On Our Cover…

      Integrating fishable function with

      elegant extras, Everglades’ 335cc

      is a boat the whole family can

      get behind

      Introducing the 2024 Everglades 335cc — the latest progression of Everglades’                                                                        3     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     JUNE 2024
      next-generation innovation, fishing features, and yacht-like touches. New for the
      335cc, owners can outfit their center console’s aft space to favor entertaining guests or hardcore

                                                                                  fishing with a choice of the new rear-facing   built  with  exclusive  RAMCAP  technology,
                                                                                  mezzanine seats or an optional tournament-  providing the most stable and comfortable
                                                                                  ready fish  station. Additional upgrades  for   ride on the market.
                                                                                  2024  include  a  modern  black  helm  dash,   Invented by Everglades before their first
                                                                                  digital switching, larger display options,   hull left the factory floor, RAMCAP™ or
                                                                                  a super-wide dive door, a retractable bow   Rapid Molded Core Assembly Pro-cess, is
                                                                                  table, and Everglades’ rich teak accents and   a better way to build a boat. Recognized for
                                                                                  finishes.                            its exceptionally groundbreaking new and
                                                                                   Featuring  a  timeless  athletic  stance  and   innovative approach to building a hull, the
                                                                                  unmatched fishing amenities, the Everglades   National Marine Manufacturer’s Association
                                                                                  CC series is the benchmark in offshore fishing   awarded Everglades its prestigious Innovation
                                                                                  vessels.                             Award in 1999. Today, every Everglades boat
                                                                                   The 335cc retains its offshore and near-  from 23’ to 43’ is built using this patented
                                                                                  shore dominance with its proven hull design   See On Our Cover on the next page

                                                                                Demo Days!

            Saturdays  |  June 15  |  July 20  |  August 17

            In-the-Water at Anchors Away Marina at 5925 Saylor St., Lakeside Marblehead, OH 43440                                     Anchors Away
                                                                                                                                          M AR I NA

                                                                                     Life is      Come and discover your next boat…

                                                                                    short!        We’d love to help you   nd the
                                                                                                  perfect boat for your boating lifestyle!

                              Join us at our Demo Days!…               7130 E. Harbor Rd.
                              or visit Marine Tech Concepts            Marblehead, Ohio 43440

                              Showroom open Sun-Fri, 9am–5pm;          419.732.3355
             Connie Roberts   Sat, 9am-3pm; on E. Harbor Rd. (SR 163)
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