Page 4 - Mid America Boating - June 2024 issue
P. 4

JUNE 2024     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     4

                 PH 216.371.5750
                 720 Radford Drive
             Richmond Hts., OH 44143
                   Published by
               Recreation Press, Inc.
                 Editorial Manager
                   D. G. Meeker
                 Advertising Sales
                   Frank Kern
                Design / Production
               Recreation Press, Inc.
                Contributing Writers
                 Capt. Fred Davis
                   D’Arcy Egan
                 Norman Schultz

          MID-AMERICA BOATING is published eight (8) times yearly
         by Recreation Press, Inc., 720 Radford Drive, Richmond Hts.,
          OH 44143. Articles and photographs are welcome, though
          we cannot assume responsibility for unsolicited materials
           and we cannot guarantee their publication or return.
          SUBSCRIPTIONS: $10.00 for 8 issues. Subscribe online
           at our web site, or call during normal business hours.                 US Coast Guard. Most manufacturers use a
           ADDRESS CHANGE: Notify us by including the mailing   On our cover from previous page                        pre-molded modules. Most manufacturers

           address label from your most recent copy along with                    process called “blind foaming” to fill empty   use a low-density foam while blind foaming,
                   your new address.        superior process.                     cavities between the deck and hull to create   inviting voids, sub-par bonds, and creating
          MID-AMERICA BOATING is a member of Lake Erie Marine

         Trades Ass’n. and is the official paper of Inter-Lake Yachting   Foam is an essential building block in   flotation  after  assembly.  With  RAMCAP,   variable densities. Everglades molds the

             Ass’n and Greater Cleveland Boating Ass’n.  manufacturing unsinkable hulls. It provides   Everglades  does  the  opposite.  Everglades   foam first, creating high-density structural

                                            a bond that locks components together   custom manufacturers our foam first and   foam. Wet foam is poured into custom-made
                                            while providing buoyancy required by the   builds the boat around these high-density   molds that cure under thousands of pounds

                                                         1611 Sawmill Parkway Huron, OH  •  419-433-5798  •

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