Page 15 - Mid America Boating - March 2024 issue
P. 15

Trail(er)ing Thoughts

      Anticipating a season of                                                                                                           I feel like the coming

      on-the-water enjoyment is a                                                                                                      of spring brings a
      sure cure for spring fever                                                                                                       hope – and with it
                                                                                                                                       comes warmer weather,
                                                                                                                                       time outdoors and a
      by Megan Meisler                      relaxation in it that I do, although he still                                              healthier way of life.
      Co-owner of Loadmaster Trailer Co., Ltd.  prefers the more adventurous side that                                                 Sometimes our winters   15     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     MARCH 2024
                                            water sports have to offer.                                                                can feel long, despite
      Our winter weather is almost behind us as                                                                                        the speed in which days
      our thoughts shift towards spring. We are                                                                                        pass by. For those of us
      only a couple of months away from gearing                                                                                        who love to be outdoors,
      up for boating season, and for many of us it                                                                                     and specifically  on the
      is the most exciting time of year. As someone                                                                                    water,  our  happiest
      fortunate enough to have been boating with                                                                                       days are April through
      my parents since I was born, I find myself the                                                                                   October, when we can
      calmest and most relaxed when boating, and                                                                                       take in all that boating
      I am anxiously waiting for spring to arrive.                                                                                     in our area has to offer.
        As a mother of three young children, it                                                                                          Located  in   Port
      seems as though time truly does slip away.                                                 My favorite time to go   Clinton, Ohio on Lake Erie, my family
      Months feel like weeks and years feel like                                               boating is when the school   is very fortunate to have numerous fun
      months. And with my kids getting older, far                                              season begins to wind   locations to visit by water very close by:
      too quickly, my husband and I do our best                                                down, the air starts to stay   Put-in-Bay, Kelleys Island, and Cedar Point
      to maximize their exposure to healthy fun                                                warmer in the evenings, and   to name just a few. Also, Port Clinton is
      activities: one of them being all things water!                                          Lake Erie (where we boat)   known as a top fishing destination, so we
        Last summer we had them try tubing, and                                                is still calm and free from   never run out of excitement in our area. I
      this year the plan is to introduce them to                                               the pending summer boat   feel very blessed to have so many options,
      knee-boarding and snorkeling. Thankfully,                                                traffic. Similarly, my mother   so close to home!
      my children LOVE boating because they                                                    and I both enjoy late fall   I hope all of the readers of Mid-America
      have been going boating with our family                                                  boating in the evenings   Boating are excited for the lure of boating
      since they were infants. My husband,                                                     under the stars. The fresh   season right around the corner, and that
      however, was never exposed to the marine                                                 crisp air and slower pace   you all take the time to make wonderful
      world before dating me, so he was slower                                                 of life leaves me feeling   memories on the water this spring!
      to  take  to  it. Luckily,  he  now finds the                                            recharged and renewed.  Happy boating! MAB
      It’s dock hunting season:

      Reserve now. Dock it. Enjoy it — at these marinas…

              SANDUSKY                                         VERMILION                                         ASHTABULA

          BATTERY PARK                                       MAPLE GROVE                                      Fishing for the PERFECT HOME PORT?

                   MARINA                                            MARINA                                   NORTH COAST

           Downtown Sandusky                                 Dockage For Boats to 30 ft.                              MARINA
                                                                   Pool, Power/Water,
          650 Slips • Gas & Diesel Fuel                                   Showers                              Dockage includes water, electric,

                 Free Pumpout with                                    Large Pavilion,                         wireless internet, dockside parking,
              gas or diesel purchase                                Dockside Parking.                               clubhouse, pool, hot tubs,

              Heated Swimming Pool                                 Monthly Functions:                          children's play area, laundry area,
                                                                                                                 shower facilities, ice vending,
             Boat Sales & Brokerage                                  Island Runs, etc.                        covered picnic pavilion w/gas grills,
            • Follow us on Facebook •                                10% OFF for                               security gate, Indian Trails Park in
                                                          FIRST TIME DOCKERS!                                            walking distance

                         440-967-4525                                      440-998-6272
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