Page 10 - Mid America Boating - March 2024 issue
P. 10

MARCH 2024     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     10

             UNITED STATES POWER SQUADRONS                                                                               ®



              Club is your

                   source for




                      We teach the                                    We are an active                                          We are a
                   courses you need                                 boating community                                   social organization

                to be con dent, safe                                                                                   with member cruises
                    and have fun on                                      – for boaters,                                    and events and
                        the water                                         by boaters      ®                            community activities

                           When you              Our clubs offer classes conveniently located in your area, taught by certi ed boating

                      join America’s               instructors. Are you a member of a boat club? Would your members bene t from
               Boating Club, your                            additional boating knowledge? Our instructors will come to you!
                membership gives                                        Contact the nearest club for more information.
              you access to these             Our members have access to more advanced courses, taught by our certi ed instructors.

                courses, as well as                                                Here is a partial list of class offerings:
                   many additional            • Boat Handling*            • Offshore Navigation*     • Sailing                   • Plus, many seminars and
                   bene ts such as            • Marine Navigation*        • Celestial Navigation*    • Weather                     on-the-water training

               discounts on travel            • Advanced Marine           • Engine Maintenance       • Cruise Planning             with our “Jump Start”
                                                                                                     • Paddle Smart
                                                                          • Marine Electronics
                      and insurance.                                             (*These courses are offered in this order.)

              For more information on membership, please contact your

                local America’s Boating Club!...
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