Page 8 - Mid America Boating - March 2024 issue
P. 8

Boat Smart

      As I see it: Keeping up and                                                 choose. Other challenges are choosing the   Electronics change almost daily; television and
      MARCH 2024     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     8
                                                                                                                       video equipment is near impossible to keep
                                                                                  power supply and options which can number
                                                                                  in the high double digits.
                                                                                                                       abreast of. At one time, rabbit ear antennas
      coping with constant changes                                                transmissions were only available on a few cars   were replaced with roof-top antenna. They soon
                                                                                   When  I bought  my first car  automatic

                                                                                                                       went from a few tubular arms to what looked
                                                                                  and they were not very popular because they   like a monster on the roof that could turn in
                                                                                  required a lot of maintenance. The floor shift   any direction and changed reception from 3 or

      By Capt. Fred Davis                   how to push a button.                 or manual shift on the column plus an extra   4 channels to dozens.
                                              Another change took place on the next   pedal for a clutch didn’t seem to be a problem   Today, changes are hard to describe
      Captain Fred Davis, who dedicated himself   step  after completion of  a car on  the  line;   once one became accustomed to using   entirely because they keep morphing into
      to decades of continously promoting boating   transport to the dealers.     them. In those days a manual transmission   something else.
      safety, wrote hundreds of boating columns for   This operation was once handled by car   was standard and the automatic drive was   Roof  top antennas have been  totally

      Mid-America Boating and other publications   carrier trucks moving up to five cars or small   an  option  that  often  had  to  be  ordered.  The   discontinued. Those in remote areas must
      on the subject that were published during his   trucks at one time.  With smaller cars being   change; today most drivers can’t drive without   subscribe to a signal supplier to receive any
      lifetime. Captain Fred passed away in 2019, but   produced and car carrier transports getting   an automatic shift transmission and manual   image at all. The same applies to standard
      many of his discussions about boating safety   larger, many more cars can be handled by one   shifts are special order.  radio reception although there are still airways
      remain timeless. Here is one of his many columns   hauler. Shipment by rail has not been changed   Today, power windows, seat positions,   that carry radio waves without extra charges.
      pertaining to the universal message about   and is still utilized.          seat heaters (even on back seats), radios, CD   Look for that to change in the future.
      outfitting a boat for safety before you launch it   Once a dealer puts the new models on   players, and speakers all around are standard,   Large screen TV’s that just a short time ago
      for another season.                   display, the toughest objective facing a   when once  they were all options.  And how   took up half a room can now be hung on a wall
                                            perspective buyer is what color and style to   about a car that can stop in time to avoid an   and only stick out 5 or 6 inches.  Additional
      I often write about changes that affect our lives                           accident without the driver touching the brakes   electronics; computers, telephones – cell and
      and stand out. I also often wonder how we are                               and there is the car that can park itself. I like the   hard wire, printers, copiers, I-pods, blackberry’s
      expected to keep up with them.                                              feature of pushing a button inside one’s house   and a host of other devices also change almost
        Many changes occur in the automobile                                      to start your car to warm it up or cool it off.   daily.
      industry. They begin right on the assembly                                      It’s amazing that a car can be programmed   Many of the changes that bring new devices
      line. The first change noticeable is                                           electronically by a global positioning   are helpful; some even life saving but how can

      the number of employees it takes                                                 system to guide you on a trip – of a   we be expected to keep up with them when
      to construct a vehicle. It appears                                                mile or clear across the country with a   those we acquire today will be obsolete before
      to be about half or less                                                            single setting. Here is a new feature;   we can pay for them?
      employees to complete the                                                           a sensor that knows when you had   Note: Capt. Fred wrote this in 2011 and it’s still
      running of the line. With all the                                                   an accident. It unlocks your doors,   very relevant. MAB
      spot  welding  machinery  and                                                       shuts off the engine and turns
      lifting equipment used the job                                                      on  the  flashers,  even  if  you  are   Perils of the Freshwater Seas, an anthology of

      requires a lot less brawn.  Less                                                    incapacitated.               stories and experiences written by Captain Fred
      intelligence is required since all                                                    The auto industry is not the   Davis is available for $22.30 (includes shipping)
      ones needs to know is when and                                                      only one experiencing changes.   E-Mail:
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