Page 3 - Mid America Boating - April 2024 issue
P. 3

The Catawba Island Boat Show pulls into port April 26–28

      The largest spring in-water boat show anywhere   new boating season in Ohio. Moreover, we   with Put-in-Bay’s iconic Boardwalk Lobster   will be offered many times daily. Conducted by   3     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     APRIL 2024
      on the Great Lakes, the 19th annual Progres-  continue to add new features and attractions   Bisque truck. Add to all that the special “Family   the popular “Learn To Sail Cleveland” program
      sive Catawba Island Boat Show, will cruise into   for our visitors to enjoy.”  Patio” presented by Firelands Auto Group. This   (, participants will
      the marina at the prestigious Catawba Island   Burke’s reference is to the largest number of   kick-back area will boast lounge seating and   climb aboard a Jeanneau 36 with a captain who
      Club for a 3-day run, April 26 through 28.   accessory displays being included in the show   engaging family lawn games, even a fire pit with   will have them get a true feel of sailing when
        Dockside spaces have already been   this year. Approximately 100 such exhibits   smores, all adjacent to the Kid’s Discovery area   they raise and lower the sails, take over the
      reserved by dealers to showcase more than   will surround the entire CIC yacht basin with   presented by On-The-Water-Ohio.   helm and more.
      125 of the power and sailboats, ranging   displays ranging from boat brokerage listing to   But the fun, food and music notwithstand-  The Catawba Island Club is located on
      from personal watercraft to motor yachts. Of   nautical fashion wear.       ing, the boats will remain the primary focus for   the northwest side of the Catawba penin-
      particular note, the in-water format of this   When visitors aren’t rocking the boats   show visitors, and they can expect to see many   sula, off Northwest Catawba Road in Port
      show allows many dealers to display larger   they’ll likely be found rockin’ to daily live   new models being displayed for the first time.   Clinton. All Show Parking areas and Show
      models they weren’t able to truck into last   entertainment on the Shores & Islands Music   As a bonus, the in-water format allows dealers   Shuttles are FREE.
      January’s Cleveland Boat Show.        Stage or indulging in moments of relaxation   to offer demonstration rides and sea trials to   Show hours will be: Friday (April 26), 12
        “The popularity of this show has grown   at the Yacht Lounge, an inviting oasis amidst   qualified prospects.   Noon to 6 PM; Saturday (April 27), 10 AM to
      it into a big spring boating festival,” says   the lively atmosphere.        There is also a unique opportunity for all   6 PM; and Sunday (April 28), 11AM to 5 PM.
      Michelle Burke, president of the Ohio Marine   In addition, the show’s Food Truck Rally will   visitors who seriously want to find out if sailing   Tickets are available online or at the box office.
      Trades Association. “So, it’s now being   feature the popular Berardi’s Fry Trailer, the   is for them is also a main feature of this show. A   For more show information, go to:
      dubbed a grand opening celebration of the   tastes of The Gaucho and the Gringo truck, along   special hands-on “Discover Sailing” opportunity MAB
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