Page 9 - Mid America Boating - January 2025 issue
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power or sailboat is among the show’s most
popular kid’s activity. Members of the Cleve-
land Amateur Boat Builders Society (CABBS),
widely recognized as Ohio’s top organization Island music, games and
of crafters dedicated to constructing boats
of various designs and sizes, take time to
hand cut dozens of components for the kids all-around fun entertain
to actually build their own little boats at the
show. Over the years, hundreds of kids have everyone at the show
crafted and decorated their creations.
In addition, adjacent to the Lake Erie
Shores & Islands main stage with it daily live
musical entertainment, the Great Lawn Area 9 [ MID-AMERICA BOATING ] JANUARY 2025
is complete with a variety of games for the
whole family.
But topping these and more is always the
and fisherman’s shanty. They form a dynamic return of world famous Twiggy the Water-Ski-
and educational area where youngsters can ing Squirrel show. She performs multiple
unleash their curiosity and creativity and fish shows daily behind her custom radio-con-
for faux walleye, bass, steelhead and perch. trolled boat for the crowds always packed
In addition to the Kids Zone, youngsters around her special pool.
will find activities designed for them else- For show hours and tickets: www.
where in the show, too. For example, at the MAB
America’s Boating Clubs exhibit, kids can
take the helm of a Boston Whaler on the U.S.
Power Squadron’s multi-screen simulator
setup. It’s a realistic boat-handling challenge
as a “coach” can suddenly change the wind
and waves direction on the skipper!
Over at the U.S. Coast Guard Auxilia-
ry exhibit, kids and adults have a chance to
craft and take home a rope they’ve learned
to make. Or, at the Beagle Bay Knot Works
exhibit, visitors young and old can engage in
hands-on demon and master techniques in
a first-ever monkey fist workshop and hands
on marlinspike, from splicing to essential
boating knots. When show goers want a break from Country Experience and celebrate the spirit
Making and decorating a small wooden boarding over 400 boats and viewing of boating.
over 300 accessory exhibits, this year’s “All the activity areas of the show are
Progressive Cleveland Boat Show will designed to immerse visitors in feelings
have you feeling like you’re in the Lake of warm summers days,” promises show
Lake Erie Foundation grows its Erie Islands. manager, Michelle Burke, “especially while
That’s because in the Lake Shores & Islands everyone is sipping the Boardwalk’s iconic
Lake Erie advocacy in many ways area of the show, visitors will be kicking back Lobster Bisque flown to the show daily from
and enjoying live musical entertainment,
family games in a hot summer atmosphere. But there’s so much more. For example,
Lake Erie Foundation (LEF) is a non-prof- the Ohio Department of Natural Resources The tone will be set by this year’s Main Stage test you boat handling skills on the multi-
it organization created in 2017 by a group of launched over 150 wetlands projects with musical lineup that will include returning screen simulator at the America’s Boating
individuals passionate about Lake Erie and promising results. Water quality improve- popular names like: the Travelin’ Johnsons; Club exhibit; kids will build their take-home
the many benefits it provides and concerned ments, however, have fallen short of projec- the Island Doctors; Chad Hoffman; Follow model power or sailboat at the Cleveland
about protecting the health of the lake. LEF tions so more work is needed. LEF has been The Sun; Mathew James, and more. Amateur Boat Building display; Immerse
strives to advocate for the lake and works advocating for various methods of increasing In addition to the
with legislators and key stakeholders in an the effectiveness of “best management prac- music, families will
education and science-based manner. Over tices” for farming, as addressing phosphorus converge on the adja-
the years the group has continued to elevate runoff from farm fields is key to solving Lake cent Great Green Lawn,
the awareness of issues impacting the health Erie’s algal bloom challenges. a large grassy area
of the lake, grow its membership base, and LEF also prioritizes education on micro- complete with games
increase its effectiveness at addressing the plastic contamination, emphasizing the like Corn Hole, Ladder
lake’s challenges. impact of single-use plastics in Lake Erie. Toss, Four-in-a-Row and
Here are some of the 2024 highlights of While much information focuses on ocean more. Moreover, this
LEF’s work: pollution, we aim to highlight issues specif- area will also boast
2024 was another productive year for LEF ic to Lake Erie. In 2024, LEF partnered with popular exhibits from
as we participated in events like the Cleve- Eriesponsible as the sponsor for their beach Put-in-Bay, perhaps the
land Boat Show, Catawba Island Boat Show, clean-ups, promoting shoreline health and most famous being the
and numerous speaking engagements. A community involvement. Boardwalk that features
“Celebrate the Lake” outreach event in August LEF deeply appreciates the dedication of its iconic Lobster Bisque
drew over 165 attendees who learned about our hundreds of members, business partners, flown in daily from The
LEF’s initiatives and ways they could support donors, and volunteers. These contributions Bay.
our work. We expanded our mission, educat- fuel our mission to preserve Lake Erie for Then there’s the
ed communities, and accelerated efforts to future generations. Together, through educa- action and entertain-
protect Lake Erie. tion, communication, and collaboration, we ment in the On-The-
LEF continued to support Governor can improve and secure the vital resource Water-Ohio Paddling
DeWine’s H2Ohio program for addressing we have with Lake Erie. To learn more about Center featuring daily live demonstrations yourself in monkey fist workshops, marlin-
harmful algae blooms. Over 40% of North- Lake Erie Foundation, our work, and how you of paddle boarding and kayaking. The pool spike techniques, from splicing to essential
west Ohio farms are currently enrolled, and can help, visit MAB is surrounded by displays of related prod- boating knots in the Beagle Bay Knot Works
ucts from inflatable boards to fishing kayaks exhibit; Take the Sailing Challenge on a full
to accessories. Boarding has become a very sailing simulator in the show’s Sailing Center;
popular pursuit in Ohio. and many more.
Even show sponsor Progressive gets into For more things to do at the show,
the action, this year with an elaborate setup all schedules and tickets, go to: www.
housed in an iconic Airstream that allows MAB
visitors to explore the Progressive Skee the