Page 8 - Mid America Boating - January 2025 issue
P. 8

Kids Discovery Zone expands

                                                                                  along with added kid-related
      JANUARY 2025     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     8
                                                                                  activities throughout the show

                                                                                  Last year’s introduction of the Kids   create and enjoy hands-on activities. “Because
                                                                                  Discovery Zone was so popular it’s   boating is a family sport and our entire show
                                                                                  being expanded for this year’s Progres-  this year is intended to immerse visitor, old
                                                                                  sive Cleveland Boat Show in the I-X   and young, in a summer experience,” promis-
                                                                                  Center, January 16-19.               es show manager, Michelle Burke.
                                                                                   In the Kids Zone, youngsters will have   The Kids Zone activities will be centered
                                                                                  pirate-themed fun where they’ll learn, play,   around a unique interactive kids’ boat exhibit

                                              PH 216.371.5750
                                              720 Radford Drive
                                              Richmond Hts., OH 44143
                                              Published by
                                              Recreation Press, Inc.
                                              Editorial Manager
              MID-AMERICA BOATING is published eight (8) times yearly by   D. G. Meeker
              Recreation Press, Inc., 720 Radford Drive, Richmond Hts., OH
            44143. Articles and photographs are welcome, though we cannot   Advertising Sales
              assume responsibility for unsolicited materials and we cannot   Frank Kern
                          guarantee their publication or return.
                SUBSCRIPTIONS: $10.00 for 8 issues. Subscribe online at   Design / Production
, or call during normal business hours.   Recreation Press, Inc.
           ADDRESS CHANGE: Notify us by including the mailing address label
                from your most recent copy along with your new address.   Contributing Writers
            MID-AMERICA BOATING is a member of Lake Erie Marine Trades   Capt. Fred Davis, D’Arcy Egan,
             Ass’n. and is the official paper of Inter-Lake Yachting Ass’n and
                            Greater Cleveland Boating Ass’n.  Norman Schultz

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