Page 12 - Mid America Boating - July 2023 issue
P. 12

Put-in-Bay author releases new novel, Sawdust Joint

      JULY 2023     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     12
      Award-winning, island                             Inside Sawdust Joint…
      author Bob Adamov                                   What’s killing dairy cows? Investigative reporter Emerson Moore’s search for
      released his 18th Put-in-                         the source takes a deadly turn when he focuses on infiltrating a British biotech-
      Bay-based, mystery adven-                         nology company suspected to be involved with the deaths of the dairy cows and
      ture novel,  Sawdust Joint.                        several humans.
      The book has an interest-                           Following the unexpected death of a close colleague, Moore faces his most
      ing link to James Bond.                            formidable challenge yet as he embarks on a James Bond-like international
        “Little did I know that                          odyssey with the help of a technological genius and a Royal Canadian Mountie
      sharing the speaker’s plat-                        as his unlikely wingman to confront a vengeful nemesis bent on bioterrorism.
      form years ago at a Clive                            Sawdust Joint promises to be the most exciting Emerson Moore adventure
      Cussler Collector’s Conven-                         yet as he finds his physical endurance and mental capabilities pushed beyond
      tion in Las Vegas would                             their normal limits. Filled with casino action, a bevy of beautiful femme fatales,
      evolve into the inspiration                         dangerous mountain road chases, treacherous cliff face climbing, incarceration
      for this new book. That’s                           in a Moroccan prison and high technology, Moore matches wits with a diaboli-
      where I met Mike VanBlari-                          cal villain who is one of the most dangerous men he has encountered.
      cum, the president of the Ian                           he Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group named the best
      Fleming Foundation.  Mike is                         Tindie books of 2022 in the largest international book awards program for
      a compelling speaker and has                         independent publishers and self-published authors. Adamov’s Memory Layne
      the world’s largest collection                       was named the winner in the General Fiction (under 70,000 words) category
      of Ian Fleming documents as           and finalist in the Action/Adventure category.                             Ohio Sea Grant
      well as over 40 of the vehicles from the James   Adamov was named as Best Lake Erie Author in 2022 by Lake Erie Living magazine and as one
      Bond movies. Through our discussions, Mike   of Publish Ohio’s favorite authors in 2020. He won Writer of the Year (2010) in regional compe-  and Stone Lab
      became my technical advisor for Sawdust Joint   tition sponsored by the University of Akron’s Wayne College and was the featured author at the
      which sees our  protagonist stretch  his  abili-  2006 Ernest Hemingway Literary Festival in Key West. Adamov’s first novel - Rainbow’s End -   offer science
      ties,” Adamov commented.              was a 2003 runner-up as the top fiction novel in the Great Lakes (won by Pulitzer Prize winner
                                            – Middlesex.) His novels were rated 5 Stars by the Midwest Book Review and several were named
        His string of island bestsellers in the   as top novels in northeast Ohio by the Akron Beacon Journal. Adamov’s novels additionally have  education
      popular Emerson Moore series includes
                                            won awards at the Hollywood Book Festival, London Book Festival, New York Book Festival, the
      Rainbow’s End, Pierce the Veil, When Rainbows   Indie Awards, Great Midwest Book Festival and Florida Book Festival. Adamov has also presented  opportunities to
      Walk, Promised Land, The Other Side of Hell,
                                              A Kent State University graduate, Adamov resides in Wooster, Ohio. He often can be seen in  island visitors
      Tan Lines, Sandustee, Zenobia, Missing, Golden   at several of the Clive Cussler Collectors Society conventions.
      Torpedo, Chincoteague Calm, Flight, Assateague
      Dark, Sunset Blues, White Spider Night and   Put-in-Bay, Key West, Chincoteague Island and the Cayman Islands with his scuba diving, boating
      a 20th anniversary edition of Rainbow’s End   and treasure hunting friends. He had worked for an Arlington, Virginia-based defense contractor   Visitors to South Bass Island once again have
      plus  Memory Layne. His writing style has   in the intelligence sector.                                          the chance to explore Lake Erie science and
      been compared to bestselling authors Clive   Signed copies with free shipping are available at  history at the South Bass Island Lighthouse,
      Cussler and Tom Clancy.                 For more information or to have Adamov speak at your event, visit: or   the Aquatic Visitors Center and on Gibraltar
                                            call: 330-289-7616. Follow Adamov on Facebook. MAB                         Island this summer.

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