Page 8 - Mid America Boating - July 2023 issue
P. 8

Both the U.S. and Canadian sections agree   Superior is actually bordered by seven
                                                                                  on what the problems are and are calling for   including Canadian provinces. History
                                     Great Lakes                                  change. To date, the Commission has not   shows cooperation has not always been high
      JULY 2023     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     8
                                                                                  convened  for  more  than  a  year,  and  regular
                                                                                                                       on the agenda. Indeed, for decades each
                                                                                  programming  for the  Commission  has  not
                                                                                                                       jurisdiction managed its bordered portion of
                                     Commission                                   been set since November 2020.        the lakes with little regard for any other juris-
                                                                                   “This situation is beyond troubling and,
                                                                                                                       dictions. The result was management chaos,

                                     needs to be                                  frankly, unacceptable,” assert the U.S.   overfishing, habitat loss, and a great fishery
                                                                                  lawmakers.  They acknowledge the Canadian
                                                                                                                       decline.  In  such  a  parochial  atmosphere,
                                                                                  DFO have recently agreed to finally provide
                                                                                                                       cross-border cooperation was nonexistent.

                                     active                                       the necessary funding but for only 2023.   says  Michelle  Burke, president  of  the  Lake
                                                                                                                         “Fishing is critical to our boating industry,”
                                                                                  “We are concerned this not is indicative of
                                                                                  the permanent change that is necessary to   Erie Marine Trades Association. “Upwards of
                                                                                  safeguard the Commission’s operations in   70 percent of all boats are used for fishing at

                                                                                  the long-term; DFO acted only after it was   least some time. The excellent work of the

                                                                                  subject to significant and sustained pressure   Commission is proven and necessary, and
                                                                                  from Members of Parliament.”         we urge Canadian interests to again provide
                                                                                   Notably, at least two state jurisdictions   consistent funding and leadership.”

                                                                                  border each of the five Great Lakes. Lake   The lawmakers concluded: “As an ally
                                                                                                                               and a neighbor who jointly share
                                                                                                                               the  binational  responsibility  to
                                                                                                                               protect these treasured waters, we
                                                                                                                               respectfully bring this matter to
                                                                                                                               your personal attention and hope
      by Norm Schultz                       and support more than 75,000 jobs.                                                 you will address these concerns
                                              The Great Lakes Fishery Commission was                                           without delay.”
      Calling it unacceptable, a group of U.S.   established in 1955 by the Canadian/US                                         The letter to prime Minster
      lawmakers are urging Canadian prime minis-  Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries. Its func-                               Trudeau was sent by the U.S.
      ter Justin Trudeau to address a breakdown   tion is to coordinate fisheries research and                                 Congressional Great Lakes Task in

      in funding and function of the long-standing   facilitate cross-border fishery management                                the House, the co-chairs of which
      Great Lakes Fishery Commission that coordi-  programs among the states and provinces.                                    include: Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH),

      nates fisheries research, controls the invasive   “It is our understanding,” the members                                 Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), Bill

      sea lamprey and facilitates cooperative fish-  of say, “this breakdown can be traced to                                  Huizenga (R-MI), Lisa McClain
      eries management.                     the Canadian Department of Fisheries                                               (R-MI), Brian Higgins (D-NY),
        Fishing is huge in all 8 Great Lakes states   and Oceans (DFO) which is the institution                                Mike Gallagher (R-WI), and
      and Canada. The 8 states alone combine   responsible for Canada’s custodial obliga-                                      Debbie Dingell (D-MI). It was also
      for  one-third  of  the  U.S.  boating  industry’s   tions to the Great Lakes Commission. We ask                         signed by 25 other members of

      annual boat sales. Moreover, the recreational,   you to find a long-term solution to resume                              the House. MAB

      commercial and tribal fisheries are collective-  normal operations, while also respecting
      ly valued at more than $7.5 billion annually   Canada’s sovereignty.”
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