Page 6 - Mid America Boating - July 2023 issue
P. 6

boat first a poor one. Keep in mind, the   When purchasing a product that will be
                                                                                  first few minutes after a fire breaks out are   used to keep you alive in an emergency, it
                                                                                  critical and may be the only ones you have   is best to get one that meets the highest
      JULY 2023     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     6
                                                                                  to save your passengers and vessel. Fire   standards. SOLAS-approved rafts are not
                                                                                  always burns  up  in  the  direction  of  a  life-  required on recreational boats but they
                                                                                  boat placed on top of a vessel so precious   have a boarding platform, additional safety
                                                                                  minutes could be lost that should be used   gear and more interior space than commer-
                                                                                  to fight the fire and get PFD’s on everyone.   cial-grade models.
                                                                                   It is not a requirement of the Coast Guard   There are three basic life raft designs;
                                                                                  that recreational boaters carry an approved   Coastal, offshore and ocean going designed
                                                                                  liferaft.  Marine  specialists  agree  however,   as survival life rafts. Coastal rafts, for when
                                                                                  anyone who  goes  offshore,  regardless of   a quick rescue, (within a day) is expected,
                                                                                  the size boat, should carry an offshore   lack features needed for long-term surviv-
                                                                                  liferaft designed for 4 to 5 days of surviv-  al. Offshore rafts expand survival time to
                                                                                  al. Even if your boating is only inshore, a   four or 5 days by including supported cano-
                                                                                  liferaft can be a good idea. In waters colder   pies and two buoyancy tubes (the second
                                                                                  than 78 degrees, hypothermia can occur   acts as a backup). Ocean going rafts are
                                                                                  within 2 hours. In tropic waters, protec-  equipped for survival of at least 30 days.
                                                                                  tion for the sun and heat stroke is a factor.   They  are  required on  commercial vessels
                                                                                  Coastal compacts bridge the gap between   and some international racing vessels.
                                                                                  a lifejacket and full-feature liferaft. They are   You can determine the size of the life raft
                                                                                  small, lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to   to carry by two factors; size (LOA) of your
                                                                                  deploy and store plus operation is simple.   vessel and number of people you expect to
      Lifeboat or tender from Page 4                                              Open a flap on the valise and extend the   have on board. The Coast Guard requires 4
                                                                                  painterline, give a hard pull and the raft   cubic feet per person, and capacity ratings
      Although the boat provided a platform that   able. If you must go up on deck or onto the   inflates automatically in less than 30   specify the maximum number of people
      the men could board and float upon, they   hardtop to release them, getting there could   seconds with the high-tech, self-contained   a raft will hold based on a minimum of 4
      had no protection from the weather and no   be a troublesome task in itself. Vessels tend   CO2 inflation system.  square feet per person. Consider buying
      means of control over the capsized vessel.   to heel over when taking on water, which   If you expect to venture well offshore,   a  raft  rated  for  at  least  50%  more  people
      Fortunately, a quick rescue favored the men   makes getting to the hardtop difficult. The   you need the security of a lifesaver, a Coast   than you plan on using it. For a double
      who abandoned a still afloat yacht and   weight of the lifeboat in a cradle or tied   Guard and/or SOLAS approved survival life   cabin boat, which would accommodate two
      deployed their intended lifeboat. The men   down when the craft is heeled over can   raft. They all can be quickly inflated and   couples, a six-person raft would be recom-
      were recovered from the upside down vessel   cause an extensive strain on lines or straps   put overboard and are the best option to   mended but a pocket cruiser could do well
      and the cruiser was salvaged and towed   holding the lifeboat and it may be impossi-  count on to save your life.  with a four-person raft. There is a rational
      to shore. It took almost as much effort to   ble to release. In addition, shifting weight   SOLAS (International Convention for the   to limit size also, a larger raft may be lighter
      salvage the small boat because righting it   from the lifeboat and a person trying to   Safety of life at Sea) covers a wide range of   and subject to capsize plus more difficult
      was impossible and towing caused it to dive   launch it may cause the craft to heel further   measures designed to improve safety and   for fewer bodies to warm the interior. MAB
      and pull down on the towboat.         and increase its rate of sinking.     protect lives. It is one of the oldest efforts
        Lifeboats tied down or those that require   In the case of fire, other factors make   of its kind, the first version were adopted
      power to lower to the water are just not reli-  the  choice  of  attempting  to  release  a  life-  in 1914 following the sinking of the Titanic.
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