Page 4 - Mid America Boating - July 2023 issue
P. 4

Boat Smart

                                                                                        ost boaters with larger vessels   over when it is aground. These boats are
      JULY 2023     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     4
                                                                                        carry an extra boat or even two, just   usually readily accessible and serve better
                                                                                 Min case. In case of what is a good   as lifeboats than many vessels found on big
                                                                                  question. The response most would give is -   houseboats and yachts.
                                                                                  to use as a lifeboat. Captains of large boats   In recent years, midsize and large cruisers
                                                                                  find comfort in the fact they have a lifeboat.   have been built with over-size swim plat-
                                                                                  What they regard as a lifeboat however is   forms to provide room for an inflatable or
                                                                                  often suitable only as a tender or perhaps   rigid hull lifeboat to be carried on its side
                                                                                  a runabout.                          on the platform. The releases on most of
                                                                                   If you intend to carry a lifeboat, you must   these mounts are manual; a quick pull allows
                                                                                  first consider where and how it is to be   the vessel to fall off the platform with just
                                                                                  mounted. You could have a problem if it   a slight push and be easily boarded and
                                                                                  takes too much time to launch, time better   unhooked from the platform.
                                                                                  spent saving your vessel or placing a MayDay   Some  larger  vessels  carry  an  extra  boat
                                                                                  call for help. A small boat tied down on the   that requires davits to raise and lower it.
                                                                                  hardtop is not a real lifeboat. If you do carry   These  boats  should not  be relied upon  to
                                                                                  one on your vessels top, a spring release   serve as lifeboats as I will explain.
                                                                                  mount is a better option than a tie down that   While working over thirty years in my
                                                                                  needs to be untied.                  rescue and salvage business, many serious
                                                                                   In my opinion, a lifeboat cannot serve as a   cases were encountered involving vessels
                                                                                  lifeboat if it is not capable of quick deploy-  with an extra boat that did not serve well as a
                                                                                  ment. It can only be considered a toy or at   lifeboat. Because most stricken vessels sink
                                                                                  best, a tender if it takes a great deal of effort   slowly, there may be plenty of time to release
                                                                                  to launch. A small boat carried on board a   a lifeboat after a MayDay call is placed. How
                                                                                  larger craft is not necessarily a lifeboat and   fast a vessel will sink however can never be
                                            By Capt. Fred Davis                   can actually become a threat to survival and   known until after an event takes place.
              Lifeboat or                   Captain Fred Davis, who dedicated himself to   rescue. There are a few exceptions such as   60-foot cruiser equipped with a 20-foot
                                                                                                                         One case involved the grounding of a
                                                                                  a boat hanging from davits at the stern. If
                     tender?                decades of continously promoting boating safety,   secured with quick release lines, they may   whaler type boat mounted on its top. Power
                                                                                                                       to the davits failed when called upon to
                                            wrote hundreds of boating columns for Mid-Amer-
                                                                                  serve as lifeboats.
                                            ica Boating and other publications on the subject
                                                                                                                       launch the vessel. There were four grown men
                                                                                   Sail vessels underway often tow a small
         An important                       that were published during his lifetime. Captain   boat behind or carry a small boat on their   aboard who with tremendous effort dragged
                                            Fred passed away in 2019, but many of his discus-
                                                                                                                       the boat from its cradle and pushed it off
                                                                                  front deck. These boats might serve as life-
                       choice               sions about boating safety remain timeless. Here is   boats but most are used as tenders to make   the vessels top. In its fall to the water, the
                                            one of his many columns pertaining to the univer-
                                                                                  a passage from an anchorage to shore and
                                                                                                                       outboard motor hit the cruisers rail and the
                                                                                  back. Occasionally they may be employed
                                            sal message about outfitting a boat for safety
                                                                                                                       small boat entered the water upside down.
                                            before you launch it for another season.  to run out an anchor or heel the vessel   Lifeboat or tender see Page 6

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