Page 13 - Mid America Boating - July 2023 issue
P. 13

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        The South Bass Island Lighthouse, which   BoatUs  Foundation, are available for loan.
      was completed in 1897, is located at the south-  AVC tours are free and open to the public from
      west  tip  of the  island  and  was  in operation   10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays          this!
      until 1962. The lighthouse grounds are open to   June 14 through August 19, 2023. Group tour
      the public dawn to dusk free of charge unless   reservations are available mid-May through
      otherwise posted. Free tours will be offered   October at a cost of $5.50 per person by calling
      from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, July 14 and Friday,   419-285-1800.
      August  11.  Visitors  can  climb  the  lighthouse   Two science and history tours of Gibral-
      stairs to take in the view from the top of the   tar Island are offered each Thursday June
      tower. Tours for groups of 10 or more may be   29 through August 17, 2023 at 10 a.m. and 1
      scheduled April through November by calling   p.m. Groups tour the island, including Perry’s
      419-285-1800.                         Lookout and the glacial grooves and see the                                                                    13     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     JULY 2023
        The Aquatic Visitors Center is an educa-  outside of Cooke Castle before learning more
      tional facility, giving visitors of all ages the   about Stone Lab research. Tours can accom-
      chance to explore Lake Erie’s complex ecosys-  modate up to 70 people and are first-come,
      tem through hands-on activities and aquaria   first-served. To attend, meet at 9:45 a.m. or
      containing live Lake Erie fish. Children ages   12:45 p.m. at the Boardwalk Restaurant dock,
      15 and younger can borrow fishing gear and   341 Bayview Ave. in Put-in-Bay. Tours are $12
      fish for free off the 100-foot pier. A limited   per person, $6 for children, plus $8 for round-
      number of free life jackets, provided by the   trip fare to Gibraltar Island, payable to the
                                            water taxi driver.
                                              Gibraltar Island and the South Bass Island
                                            Lighthouse are owned by The Ohio State
                                            University, and all three attractions are
                                            managed by Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Labo-
                                            ratory. For more information on scheduling
                                            your trip, visit                Make a change that will
                                              Located on the 6.5-acre Gibraltar Island in
                                            Put-in-Bay harbor, Stone Laboratory is Ohio              impress and last!
                                            State’s island campus on Lake Erie and the
                                            research, education, and outreach facility of
                                            the Ohio Sea Grant College Program. The Ohio   PlasDECK is made in the USA. In fact, it is made completely in
                                            Sea Grant College Program is part of The Ohio
                                            State University’s College of Food, Agricultur-  Ohio. This allows us to maintain quality from start to finish.
                                            al, and Environmental Sciences and NOAA            n Designs from simple to intricate n Logos
                                            Sea Grant, a network of 34 Sea Grant programs          n We have the most color options
                                            dedicated to the protection and sustainable
                                            use of marine and Great Lakes resources. For
                                            information on Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab,    1-800-320-1841
                                            visit MAB

                                                                                                                         Sandusky, OH

                                When you dock at a Cedar Point Marina, you will be at one of the finest marinas on Lake Erie
                                           and be close to all of the fun and excitement at A Place Like No Other .
                        •  Two Platinum Passes — Unlimited season-long access  •  Complimentary parking and Cedar Point peninsula
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                             Visit, email, or call 419.627.2334 for details.
                                                                    Amenities vary by location.

                                                                                                  Cedar Fair Entertainment Company  ©2021 Cedar Fair, L.P. CP22-074
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