Page 15 - Mid America Boating - June 2024 issue
P. 15

Ten reasons

      boating is good

      for mental


      Boating isn’t just an enjoyable way to
      spend a day; it’s also a powerful way to                                                                                                             15     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     JUNE 2024
      improve your mental health.
        From the calming effects of water to the
      joy  of  communal  experiences,  here  are  ten
      reasons why boating is good for mental health.
        So, why is boating good for mental health?
                   Stress Reduction
                   Boating allows you to break
                   away from the stress of every-
      10 day life. The sound of water,
      the rhythm of waves, and the gentle rocking of
      the boat create a naturally calming environ-
      ment that can help reduce stress levels.
        Cortisol, often referred to as the “stress
      hormone,” plays a crucial role in the body’s
      stress response. Chronic high cortisol
      levels can lead to numerous health issues,
      including anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances.                      technology creates a mental separation, too.
                                                                                   This break reduces the cognitive load of constant digital connectivity, allowing the brain
        Getting out on the water is one way to physically and mentally distance yourself from the   to recover and recharge.
      sources of your stress, giving your mind and body a chance to relax and reset.
      9       Digital Detox                                                              Enhanced Social Interaction
                                                                                         Without the distractions of unending notifications, friends and families have an
              In our digital age, constant connectivity can be overwhelming, often leading to height-
                                                                                         opportunity to strengthen their bonds. Sharing the tasks of navigating or just relax-
              ened stress, distraction, and a feeling of being perpetually ‘on.’
               Boating offers a valuable respite from the digital tether, serving as a natural retreat  8 ing together, everyone gets a chance to contribute and feel valued.
      where the urge to check notifications, scroll through feeds, or respond to emails diminishes.  Boating enriches relationships and combats loneliness by fostering a strong sense of
        When you step onto a boat, you enter a space where the norms of daily digital engagement   community. Boaters, known for their welcoming nature, often form friendships with fellow
      can be set aside. The physical separation from the usual environments associated with work and   boating enthusiasts.        See Mental Health page 19
      It’s dock hunting season:

      Reserve now. Dock it. Enjoy it — at these marinas…

              SANDUSKY                                         VERMILION                                         ASHTABULA

          BATTERY PARK                                       MAPLE GROVE                                      Fishing for the PERFECT HOME PORT?

                   MARINA                                            MARINA                                   NORTH COAST

           Downtown Sandusky                                 Dockage For Boats to 30 ft.                              MARINA
                                                                   Pool, Power/Water,
          650 Slips • Gas & Diesel Fuel                                   Showers                              Dockage includes water, electric,

                 Free Pumpout with                                    Large Pavilion,                         wireless internet, dockside parking,
              gas or diesel purchase                                Dockside Parking.                               clubhouse, pool, hot tubs,

              Heated Swimming Pool                                 Monthly Functions:                          children's play area, laundry area,
                                                                                                                 shower facilities, ice vending,
             Boat Sales & Brokerage                                  Island Runs, etc.                        covered picnic pavilion w/gas grills,
            • Follow us on Facebook •                                10% OFF for                               security gate, Indian Trails Park in
                                                          FIRST TIME DOCKERS!                                            walking distance

                         440-967-4525                                      440-998-6272
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