Page 15 - Mid America Baoting - May 2024 issue
P. 15

Water Trails is a
      long paddler who grew up on the Lake
      Erie shoreline.
        “In the past, instructors have sched-  bonus for kayakers
      uled their own classes at the state park,
      and some kayakers want to show off their   on the North Coast
      wide range of unique boats, from vintage
      to the very latest in kayak technology.”  By D’Arcy Patrick Egan
        The most unique presentation is by
      Patrick Forrester of Perrysburg, Ohio, who
      designs and builds sails for sea kayaks.   Lake Erie and its tributaries and harbors are                                                             15     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]
        Featured during his talk will be   the perfect waters for paddling kayaks on Ohio’s
      Forrester’s memorable trip to Ireland   North Coast, and a major reason in recent
      where he  taught kayak  sailing, which  is   years has been a proliferation of Water Trials
      very popular around the Emerald Isle.   established by the Ohio Department of Natural
        The Friday Pot Luck Dinner on June 7   Resources (ODNR).
      at the shelter near the entrance to South   The plentiful waters are easy to access, the
      Bass Island State Park kicks off the SBI   fishing ranges from darned good to spectacular,

      Kayak Rendezvous, and Slough insists it   and while Lake Erie always beckons, the unique
      is the best part of the weekend.   Water Trails offer a lot of protected waters that                                                                 MAY 2024
        “We get groups of people from various   allow paddlers to head out on windy days.
      areas, such as Cincinnati and Detroit,   Buckeye Sports Center expanded its range in   The Water Trails established by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources around

      and kayak fishermen who want to take   2023 by opening its Huron store (309 Lake Erie   the Lake Erie Islands, East Harbor and West Harbor and the Portage River have
      advantage of the amazing walleye and   Parkway at Route 2) to complement its Peninsula   received rave reviews. (Photo: Ohio Department of Natural Resources)

      smallmouth bass fishing around the Lake   operation, which had been a boating mainstay for
      Erie Islands,” said Slough. “There are no   more than 60 years. They had the foresight to add   “promote the awareness of public paddling access while increasing safety by partnering with
      ‘safety’ paddlers or guides, though, so if   a full line of top-shelf Hobie Pro Angler kayaks,   local communities to develop designated Water Trails on Ohio’s waterways. The trails are
      you are going to paddle out, be sure you   said their kayak sales expert Bill Cristino.  planned on the local level: Communities, user groups, park districts and more recommend

      know your limits. Don’t push yourself or   “At our Peninsula store we’ve seen the popular-  existing access sites for a proposed trail,” said ODNR officials.

      endanger other paddlers by joining on   ity of fishing kayaks grow at lakes such as Nimis-  The Water Trails along Ohio’s North Coast range from the Maumee River to the Cuyahoga
      trips that exceed your level of expertise   illa and the Portage Lakes, and felt the new Water   River. The most unique is in the Lake Erie Island Region and Port Clinton. There are Water Trails
      or comfort zone.”                  Trails established by the ODNR on the North   around South Bass, Middle Bass and North Bass islands, as well as West Harbor and East
        Of course, other than the nightly   Coast would make a big difference at our Huron   Harbor in the Marblehead area. The latest addition is the Portage River, extending from Oak

      campfires, there is also the night life at   store,” said Cristino.         Harbor to Port Clinton.
      Put-in-Bay on the north end of South   “Of course so does the fantastic Lake Erie   “Lake Erie boats are the focus at Buckeye Sports Center in Huron, and we have 10 different
      Bass Island. The summer season will be   walleye,  yellow perch  and smallmouth  bass   lines in order to accommodate boaters, no matter the size or style of the boat they’re seeking,”

      in full swing, and the bars, restaurants   fishing that is close to shore along Lake Erie, and   said Cristino. “We also feature top of the line kayaks with our Hobie Pro Angler models, which
      and hotels will be open. Visit millerferry.  the expansion of launches and signage along the   can features the unique Mirage Drive pedal, which makes kayaking easier than ever.
      com or for coupons,   local Water Trails.”                 “The patented Kick-Up Fins deliver care-free kayaking and logs, weeds, shallows and rocks
      events and general information. MAB  The goal of ODNR’s Water Trail program is to   are no problem. A kayak angler can fish from sunrise to sundown with the Mirage Drive.” MAB
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