Page 16 - Mid America Baoting - May 2024 issue
P. 16

Boat Smart

      Caveat emptor: Approach new boat buying with savvy and intelligence
      MAY 2024     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     16

      By Capt. Fred Davis                   purchased and sold many  boats of various   name they know or have owned in the past, not   enough parts to keep his assembly of new boats
                                            types, sizes and styles for numerous intended   realizing it does not have the same quality as   going, they may back order replacement parts.
      Captain Fred Davis, who dedicated himself   uses. I owned boats made of wood, fiberglass,   in the past.         The dealer therefore, although willing to make
      to decades of continously promoting boating   steel and rubber; over a dozen in all. Most of   You may think, there is always the warranty. This   the repairs, cannot get needed parts. I have
      safety, wrote hundreds of boating columns for   the time I was able to find a used boat to suit   is another area of a boat purchase the buyer needs   heard of new boat owners missing all or a good
      Mid-America Boating and other publications   my needs but I did buy a brand-new one near   to look into before they sign on the dotted line.   portion of a season just waiting for repairs.
      on the subject that were published during his   the end of my boating days. Because of my   One of the biggest problems in the boat building   When shopping for a boat of any size, a
      lifetime. Captain Fred passed away in 2019, but   extensive boating background, I would like to   industry has always been warranty service.   buyer usually makes price comparisons. When
      many of his discussions about boating safety   offer some advice for you to consider.  Problems stem from a variety of reasons.   comparing a number of boats of like size and
      remain timeless. Here is one of his many columns   Boat shows are a popular for boaters who start   Dealers are not paid a fair amount for correcting   construction, if one is priced well below the
      pertaining to the universal message about   thinking about getting a new boat. Problems may   factory defects, thus they are reluctant to do   others — beware — there may be a reason.
      outfitting a boat for safety before you launch it   have been encountered with a used boat purchase   warranty work when they can make a better profit   A buyer should investigate before buying. If a
      for another season.                   and there is seldom an option of going back to   on out-of-warranty repairs. Another problem for   boat is cheaper priced because it is made with
                                            the seller. This fact often provides the incentive to   the servicing dealer is that they may replace or   cheaper material, it may not be the best buy.
      My parents owned small boats ranging from 14’   take the plunge and shop for a new boat.   repair a boat under warranty only to find out the   A brand name is no longer enough to
      to 18’ that carried us offshore a short distance   Buying a new boat can present some risk, too.   manufacturer disclaims responsibility. Thus the   guarantee a well-built product. If you are
      from the harbor for fishing. This type of boating   Major  boat  manufactures  may  have  changed   dealer is left without reimbursement.   purchasing a new boat, check with other boaters.
      was always enjoyable and led me to spending   hands, some more than once. A new company   Getting parts needed for repairs can present   Ask if they believe they got the best buy for their
      much of my life working on the water. When I   taking over will have the bottom line as an   challenges. If a manufacturer can only get   dollar and inquire about warranty repair matters.
      married, I discovered my wife was unfamiliar   objective. A manufacturer of                                      Carefully check the construction, and if you
      with big waterways; she had only visited inland   multiple model boats can                                       are not completely satisfied, find a consultant
      lakes.  As  our family grew, and  four  daughters   obtain volume discounts.                                     or surveyor and question them. There are also
      came along, we all enjoyed fishing, cruising and   This helps meet the                                           information hotlines that will tell you about any
      what I’ll call, “life on the damp side.” The girls   anticipated  profit                                         major problems or recalls — seek them out.
      really loved their sled rides behind the boat and   margin and is just                                             Buying a new boat can be a great
      as they got older, water skiing was a favorite.   good business.                                                 experience. Do not rush into a deal until you
        My daughters all had friends who began to   Another way compa-                                                 have gathered all the information you can get.
      join us for fun on the water. We often took some   nies  can  increase                                           Time spent researching will increase the time
      of them along on cruises across the lake.  profits is by building                                                you have for boating in the future. MAB
        When each of the girls was old enough to pass   the same brand name
      the operators class, they were allowed to take   boat  cheaper   —  using                                        Perils of the Freshwater Seas, an anthology of
      our small Boston Whaler out on their own and   less  material  and  infe-                                        stories and experiences written by Captain Fred
      invite their pals along.              rior quality material.                                                     Davis is  available for $22.30 (includes  shipping)
        As my love of the water progressed, I   Buyers may purchase a                                                  E-Mail:

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