Page 15 - Mid America Boating - April 2024 issue
P. 15

ODNR News from page 13                                                      and is valid for one year after purchase. A   and people. The Division of Wildlife manages
                                                                                  one-day fishing license costs $14 and may   or cooperatively manages more than 2 million
      Rainbow trout to be released          s .ORTHWEST /HIO  %AST (ARBOR 3TATE 0ARK 0OND    be redeemed for credit toward the purchase   acres of water and 750,000 acres of diverse
      in a lake near you in 2024            Giertz Lake, Maumee Bay State Park Nature   of a one-year fishing license. Licenses and   wildlife areas. These habitats support popular
                                                                                  permits can be purchased online at wildohio.
                                                                                                                       game species such as deer, turkey, and walleye
                                            Center Pond, Olander Lake, Pearson Metropark
                                            Ponds, and Sleepy Hollow Park Pond    gov, through the HuntFish OH app, and at   as well as key species such as bald eagles and
      The Ohio Department of Natural Resources                                    participating license sales agents.  monarch butterflies.
      (ODNR) Division of Wildlife will release 85,000   s  .ORTHEAST  /HIO   "EARTOWN  ,AKE   "RUSH-  Sales of fishing licenses along with the   Ohio’s resident fishing licenses are $25, are
      rainbow trout across the state beginning   wood Lake, Little Turtle Pond, Munroe Falls   federal Sport Fish Restoration program   valid for one year from the date of purchase,
      Wednesday, March 13. The 95 stocking loca-  Lake, Rowland Nature Preserve Lake, and   support the operation of Division of Wildlife   and can be purchased up to 30 days prior
      tions were chosen to give as many anglers as   Westlake Nature Center Pond  fish hatcheries. The Sport Fish Restoration   to the expiration date. A fishing license is
      possible a chance to reel in these feisty fish   s 3OUTHEAST /HIO  "UCKEYE 0ARK ,AKE  &ORKED   program is a partnership between federal   required to fish in Ohio public waters for
      in March, April, and May. Trout releases are   Run, Penrod Lake, Rose Lake, St. Clairsville   and state governments, the fishing industry,   anyone 16 and older.  15     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     APRIL 2024
      designed for high angler success and harvest.  Reservoir, Turkey Creek Lake, and Yoctangee   anglers, and boaters. When anglers purchase   Ohio’s annual resident hunting licenses for
        Find a complete list of release dates and   Park Lake                     rods, reels, fishing tackle, fish finders, and   the 2024-25 seasons are $19 for adults ($10
      locations at Fishing   s 3OUTHWEST /HIO  !DAMS ,AKE  #AESAR #REEK   motorboat fuel, they pay an excise tax. The   for youth) and are available now. Hunting
      techniques can be found at  Youth Pond, Cowan Lake Youth Pond, Home   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service administers   licenses are valid immediately after purchase
        Information about the trout releases,   of the Brave Park Pond, Rocky Fork State Park   and disburses funds from these taxes to   through Feb. 28, 2025. All hunters, regardless
      including a complete list of dates, stocking   Beach Pond, Rush Run Lake, and Sycamore   state fish and wildlife agencies. These funds   of age, are required to carry a valid hunting
      locations, event information, and any   State Park Pond                     are used to acquire habitat, produce and   license to hunt or trap in Ohio.
      changes to the schedule because of weather   By stocking these and other water areas   stock fish, conduct research and assessment   Multiyear hunting and fishing licenses
      is available at or by calling   across the state, the Division of Wildlife   surveys, provide aquatic education, and   are also available, with three-year, five-year,
      1-800-WILDLIFE (1-800-945-3543).      provides anglers the opportunity to enjoy   secure fishing access.          10-year, and lifetime licenses on sale.
        Some trout stocking locations feature a   quality spring rainbow trout fishing in a                               Download the free HuntFish OH mobile app
      special event on the day of the scheduled   family-friendly environment. The daily limit is                      to buy your license. Deer and turkey hunters
      release, including youth-only fishing. Fishing   five rainbow trout per angler.  Renew your Ohio fishing or        can use the app to check their harvest, even
      at state park youth ponds is only available   Rainbow trout are raised at Ohio’s cold-  hunting license today    without a cell phone signal. Anglers can find
      for youth 16 years of age and younger for the   water state fish hatcheries and measure                           boat ramps, public waters, and wildlife areas
      first seven days after trout are released. After   between 10-13 inches when they are released   Hunting and fishing licenses for 2024-25 are on   on the map. App users can also purchase
      that week, these waters are open to anglers   by the Division of Wildlife. Rainbow trout are   sale now, according to the Ohio Department of   permits, report wildlife sightings, and read
      of all ages through the end of April. On May   stocked primarily near metropolitan areas in   Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife.   current regulations.
      1, these ponds return to providing youth-only   order to provide close to home fishing oppor-  An Ohio hunting or fishing license opens   Funds from the sale of hunting and fishing
      fishing for the rest of the year.      tunities for many anglers. Trout are sensitive   endless opportunities to spend time outdoors   licenses, along with excise taxes on hunting
        Rainbow trout are stocked throughout   to warm temperatures and typically do not   and contributes to wildlife conservation.   and fishing equipment, directly benefit wildlife
      Ohio. A few of the most popular fishing   survive through late spring so the best time   Licenses can easily be purchased at wildohio.  management and habitat conservation efforts
      locations are:                        to catch them is within two weeks of release.  gov, on the HuntFish OH mobile app, or at   here in Ohio. Funds also support improvements
      s  #ENTRAL  /HIO   !NTRIM  ,AKE   7HETSTONE   Anglers ages 16 and older are required   participating agents statewide.  to fishing access, shooting ranges, and wildlife
      Park, Heritage Park Pond, Sunbury Upground   to have an Ohio fishing license to fish in   License sales fund the Division of Wildlife’s   areas. Visit to learn more. MAB
      Reservoir, and Delaware State Park Pond  state public waters. An annual license is $25   projects and programs that benefit wildlife

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