Page 13 - Mid America Boating - April 2024 issue
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coordinating regional scientific research.  ODNR’s mission,” ODNR Director Mary Mertz   vation and outdoor recreation. The club will   boating program. (Lake County)
        The GLC is a binational government   said. “These grants are an investment into   use $24,577.50 in grant funding to support   Ohio University aims to enhance its boating
      agency includes leaders from state and local   our local communities, fostering a culture   the implementation of an Introduction to   inventory for students majoring in Outdoor
      agencies in the U.S. and Canada. The group   of responsible boating. These programs   Canoeing course, covering canoes, a trailer,   Recreation and Education. The university
      was established in 1955 with the task of   will provide people of all ages the skills   paddles, Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs),   will use $20,515 in grant funding to purchase
      protecting the economies and ecosystems of   needed for a lifetime of safe and enjoyable   and other safety equipment. (Pike County)  kayaks, spray skirts, paddles, and wetsuits.
      the Great Lakes.                      experiences on the water.”             Erie County 4-H Camp, located on Kellys   (Athens County)
        During the semiannual meeting, the    Boating education grants support the local   Island, will use $30,000 in grant funding   The Warren County Soil and Water
      GLC also signed a memorandum of under-  purchase of safety equipment, such as kayaks,   to purchase kayaks, sups, paddles, PFDs,   Conservation District plans to increase
      standing with the Great Lakes Fishery   life jackets and trailers. The following list high-  a trailer, marine radios, and other safety   access and participation in safe watercraft
      Commission and the International Joint   lights how this year’s grantees are using their   equipment for their Ohio Sea Camp, which   recreation for urban youth, at-risk youth,
      Commission. The agreement sets a path to   grant funding to enhance their programs.  teaches water safety, paddling, motorboat   veterans, and people with disabilities.
      advance the shared goals and objectives   Ashtabula County YMCA, a long-standing   operation, and more. (Erie County)  Grant funding of $20,600 will be used to   13     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     APRIL 2024
      of the commissions for the restoration and   grant partner, will conduct two Spirit of   Hoover  Sailing  Foundation,  which  expand the district’s kayak fleet and safety
      protection of the Great Lakes.        America Boating Programs annually. The   prioritizes sailing proficiency and water   equipment. (Warren County)
        Mertz has been overseeing the protection   program teaches safe operation of various   safety, will use $30,000 in grant funding to   Queen City Rowing Club, operating
      of Lake Erie since becoming ODNR director   watercraft to students aged 10-15. The   replace old equipment by purchasing 10 fully   along the Little Miami and Ohio Rivers,
      in 2019, the same year Governor Mike DeWine   organization will be using $12,727.61 in   rigged sailboats to continue teaching sailing   will implement a comprehensive program
      launched his H2Ohio initiative.       grant  funding  to purchase a new motor   and water safety. (Franklin County)  emphasizing skill development and safety.
        H2Ohio uses a comprehensive approach   for a powerboat, replacement kayaks and   The Kent State University Adventure Center   Grant funding of $29,420 will be used for a
      guided by science and data to reduce algal   sups, safety equipment, and maintenance   plans to enhance its paddling programs,   safety boat, single trainer rowing shell, PFDs,
      blooms, stop pollution, and improve access   items. Staff will also attend ODNR Paddling   focusing on technique development, water   and dock rental fees. (Hamilton)
      to clean drinking water by supporting best   Instructor and Ohio Boating Education   awareness, and safety protocols. The   Last year, more than $208,000 was awarded
      farming practices, road salt runoff reduction,   Course  (OBEC)  Instructor  classes.  Adventure Center will use $24,524.09 in   to outdoor non-profit organizations, colleges,
      litter cleanup, dam removal, land conserva-  (Ashtabula County)             grant funding for training certifications,   park districts, and local school districts.
      tion, and water infrastructure revitalization.  The Cleveland Metroparks Outdoor Recre-  equipment replacement, and adaptive   The grants are funded by Ohio’s recre-
                                            ation program provides human-powered,   paddling. (Portage County)         ational boaters through the Waterways Safety
      ODNR awards more than                 natural resource-based educational outdoor   Lake Metroparks is a long-time boating   Fund, which is comprised of a share of the
                                            experiences. The program will use $30,000   safety partner of the ODNR Division of Parks   state motor fuel tax, watercraft registration
      $250,000 for local boating
                                            in grant funding to purchase four sailboats,   and Watercraft. The park district teaches   and titling fees, and funding from the U.S.
      education programs                    ten paddleboards, and two kayak storage/  the OBEC classroom course to communi-  Coast Guard.
                                            transport carts. Training expenses for staff to   ty members as well as providing courses in   The ODNR Division of Parks and
      Ten organizations across Ohio will receive   work with the American Canoe Association   sailing, canoeing, kayaking, stand up paddle-  Watercraft is mandated by state law to
      up to $30,000 each to strengthen or enhance   (ACA) to have two staff certified in ACA Kayak   board, powerboating, and personal watercraft   provide boating safety education programs.
      local boating education programs for youth   Instructor Trainer course certification will   operation. The park district will use $28,218.67   The division accomplishes this mission by
      and adult residents. The grants, awarded by   also be covered. (Cuyahoga County)  in grant funding for instructor training, safety   providing annual funding assistance to local
      the Ohio Department of Natural Resources   Eastern Local School District runs a   equipment, personal flotation devices, and   communities and nonprofit organizations
      (ODNR), add up to $250,582.87.        Conservation  Science  Curriculum  and  paddles. The park district will also replace an   through a competitive grant program.
        “Safety on the water is at the heart of   Science Club, engaging students in conser-  aging safety boat and motors for their power-  See more ODNR news on page 15

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