Page 12 - Mid America Boating - April 2024 issue
P. 12

News from the ODNR

                                            hour afterwards,” she said.           s  3ATURDAY   !PRIL       #ASTALIA  3TATE  &ISH   In 2022, anglers generated $5.5 billion
      APRIL 2024     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     12
                                              Those interested can join the Ohio Wildlife   Hatchery, 7018 Homegardner Rd, Castalia  in economic spending in Ohio, according
                                            Observation: Solar Eclipse 2024 project on   s  3ATURDAY   !PRIL       +INCAID  3TATE  &ISH   to a recent report released by the Wildlife
                                            iNaturalist.                          Hatchery, 7487 St. Rt. 124, Latham   Management     Institute,  Responsive
                                              For more information on the project   s 3ATURDAY  -AY    ,ONDON 3TATE &ISH (ATCHERY    Management, and Southwick Associates. The
                                            and total solar eclipse, visit  2570 Roberts Mill Rd, London  research found that 18% of Ohio’s adults, about
                                            go-and-do/see-the-sights/solar-eclipse-2024.  During each open house, Division of   1.7 million individuals, participate in fishing.
                                                                                  Wildlife staff will give tours and answer
                                                                                  questions about fish production and
                                            Visit a state fish hatchery                                                ODNR Director Mertz leads
                                                                                  fisheries management. Guests will have the
                                            this spring                           opportunity to learn about these hatcheries,   Great Lakes Commission’s
                                                                                  view fish eggs and fry in production buildings,  semiannual meeting
                                            The Ohio Department of Natural Resources   and watch older fish in ponds or raceways.
                                            (ODNR) Division of Wildlife invites the public   Family-friendly  activities  and  displays  As chair of the Great Lakes Commission
                                            to visit a state fish hatchery during this year’s   including an archery trailer and BB gun range   (GLC), Ohio Department of Natural Resources
                                            open houses to learn about fish production.   will be available at some locations. Discover   (ODNR) Director Mary Mertz recently
                                            Hatchery open houses are free of charge and   what the hatchery nearest you will offer.  delivered the commission’s federal priorities
                                            are a great chance to see fish up close before   The majority of Ohio’s fish populations   for policies and initiatives that support a
      ODNR is calling on                    they are stocked into one of Ohio’s many   are sustained through natural reproduction;   strong and resilient Great Lakes Basin.
      citizen scientist’s nature            public lakes and rivers.              however, stocking expands and diversifies   “We in Ohio know that if we invest in a
                                              The ODNR Division of Wildlife operates   fishing opportunities in waters where   healthy Lake Erie, then we’re investing in
      observations on the day of
                                            six state fish hatcheries, which raised and   existing habitats do not support some fish   water quality, economic growth, and outdoor
      the total eclipse                     stocked 40.8 million fish in 2023. Sport fish   populations. Stocking is only one of many   recreation,” Mertz said. “This is a universal
                                            species raised for stocking in public waters   fish management tools used by the Division   message for all the Great Lakes and I’m proud
      ODNR is seeking citizen scientists to report   include cold-water fish (rainbow trout, steel-  of Wildlife to improve angling. Learn more   to deliver this message to federal officials.”
      their animal, insect and plant observations   head, and brown trout), cool-water fish   about Ohio’s state fish hatcheries and fish   Mertz opened the GLC’s semiannu-
      on April 8. Participants must download the   (saugeye, walleye, yellow perch, and muskel-  stocking locations at  al meeting in Washington, D.C. and deliv-
      free iNaturalist app.                 lunge), and warm-water fish (hybrid-striped   State fish hatchery funding is provided   ered the “Report of the Chair.” Other topics
        The reports collected through the initiative   bass, channel catfish, blue catfish, and blue-  by the sale of Ohio fishing licenses and   addressed during the meeting include the
      will help ODNR document and discern   gill). These hatcheries enhance many of the   the Sport Fish Restoration Act. Enacted in   coordination and authority of aquatic inva-
      particular patterns that could bolster research   fishing opportunities that anglers enjoy.  1950, the Sport Fish Restoration program   sive species, harmful algal bloom research
      in various fields, Dennison said.        Hatchery open houses are scheduled from   provides funding for sport fish conservation   and control, and federal investments in clean
        “We’re basically asking them to make an   10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at each location:  through federal excise taxes on sport   maritime initiatives.
      observation with a particular species that   s 3ATURDAY  !PRIL    (EBRON 3TATE &ISH (ATCHERY    fishing equipment, import duties on fishing   The GLC’s federal priorities include,
      they’re familiar with - a half hour before   10517 Canal Rd SE, Hebron      tackle and pleasure boats, and a portion of   among other things, fully funding the Great
      the total solar eclipse occurs, one during   s  3ATURDAY   !PRIL      3ENECAVILLE  3TATE  &ISH   the gasoline fuel tax attributable to small   Lakes Restoration Initiative, supporting
      the total eclipse and then again a half an   Hatchery, 57199 Senecaville Dam Rd, Senecaville  engines and motorboats.  federal action on harmful algal blooms, and

             Harbor Side Boat Sales, LLC

                                                                                  BROKERAGE  |  FINANCING  |  REFINANCING

                                                                                                     18’ 2014 Bayliner, 185 Bowrider, 220 hp Merc. w/Trlr . . . . . . . . . .   $24,900
                                                                                                     18’ 1955 Larson, Crestliner, Voyager, 35 hp Johnson, w/Trlr . . . . . . $15,500
                                                                                                     19’ 2007 Monterey, FS194, 190 HP. Volvo, w/Trlr, Winter stor. incl . $19,900
                                                             FE A T URED                             20’ 1993 Bayliner, Trophy, 150 hp Force, w/Trlr  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,900
                                                                                                     20’ 2004 Glastron, GX205, 220 hp Volvo, w/Trlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,300
                    Harbor Side                                LI S T IN G :                         22’ 1998 Pro Line, 220 Cuddy Fish, 190 hp Volvo, w/Trlr . . . . . . . . . $14,500
                                                                                                     23’ 2008 SailFish, 2360 WA, 250 hp Yamaha, w/Trlr. . . . . . . . . . . .  $48,500
                                                                                                     24’ 2001 Bayliner, 2455 Ciera, 220 HP. Merc. w/Trlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,900
                      Boat Sales                                                                     24’ 1987 Four Winns, Vista 245, 260 hp Merc. w/Trlr . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,900
                                                                                                     24’ 1972 Lyman, Biscayne 24, 220 hp Crusader, w/Trlr . . . . . . . . .   $39,500
                                                                                                     26’ 1995 Bayliner, Ciera 2655, 220 hp Merc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500
                           Needs                                                                     27’ 1990 Maxum, 2700 SCR, 300 hp Merc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,500
                                                                                                     27’ 1991 Regal, Commodore, 300 hp Merc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,000
                                                                                                     27’ 1984 Sea Ray, Sea Dancer, T260 hp Mercury Inboards . . . . . . . $12,500
                           Clean,                                                                    27’ 1997 Sea Sport, 2744 WA, 260 HP. Merc. w/Trlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,000
                                                                                                     28’ 1995 Bayliner, Classic 2858 CB, 300 hp Merc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,900
                                                                                                     28’ 1988 Carver, Mariner, T-230 hp Mercs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,500
                            Used                                                                     28’ 1989 Marinette, Fisherman, T-240 hp Chryslers . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,300
                                                                                                     29’ 1988 Bayliner, Avanti, 340 hp OMC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,900
                                                                                                     30’ 1986 Sea Ray, Weekender. T-260 hp Mercs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,500
                                                                                                     30’ 1996 Sea Ray, Sundancer, T-250 hp Mercs.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,500
                           Boats!                                                                    31’ 1988 Cruiser’s Inc., Espirit 3170, T- 270 hp Crusaders . . . . . . . . $17,900
                                                                                                     31’ 1990 Sea Ray, Express Cruiser, T-260 hp Mercs. . . . . . . . . . . .   $26,500
                                                          2003 33’ Formula                           31’ 1992 Silverton,Convertible, T-250 hp Crusaders . . . . . . . . . . . .   $33,900
                                                                                                     32’ 1979 Marinette, Fisherman, T-225 hp Chryslers . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,900
                    Give us a call…                               F-330SS                            32’ 1991 Marinette, Sedan Bridge, T-240 hp Chryslers  . . . . . . . . . . $19,500
                         Let us sell                         T-320 hp Mercs. w/Trailer,              32’ 1977 Trojan, F-32, T-225 hp Chryslers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,900
                                                                                                     32’ 1987 Wellcraft, St. Tropez, T-350 hpCrusaders . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $23,900
                                                                                                     33’ 2003 Formula, F-330S, T-320 hp Mercs. w/Trlr  . . . . . . . . . . . . . $77,500
                         your boat!                  Great condition, professionally maintained      34’ 1989 Luhr’s, 342 Tournment, T-350 hp Crusaders . . . . . . . . . .   $29,500
                                                                and ready to cruise
                                                                                                     34’ 1998 Pursuit, 3400 Express, T-370 hp Detroit Diesels . . . . . . . $124,900
                                                              For more information                   34’ 1987 Sea Ray, Sundancer, T-340 hp Mercs.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $29,500
                                                                                                     36’ 1984 Carver, Motor Yacht, 3607, T-350 hp Crusaders  . . . . . . .   $35,300
                                                                call 419-797-0004
                                                                                                     41’ 1982 Chris Craft, 410 Commander, T-350 hp Chris Crafts . . . .   $29,000
                                                                                                     16’ ‘12  Brig, F500,  60 Hp. Merc., 4 stroke,  w/Trlr. . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,500
                  / &  $BUBXCB 3PBE t $BUBXCB *TMBOE  0)       t Mike Simonis, Owner
                                           419.797.0004 t
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