Page 11 - Mid America Boating - April 2024 issue
P. 11

Ohio Clean Marinas                                                          orative effort between the Ohio Department of   recreational opportunities.
                                                                                                                         ODNR ensures a balance between wise use
                                                                                  Natural Resources Division of Parks and Water-
                                                                                  craft, the Ohio Department of Natural Resourc-  and protection of our natural resources for
      program honors leaders in                                                   es Office of Coastal Management, and the Ohio   the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at
                                                                                  Sea Grant College Program designed to encour-
                                                                                  age marinas and boaters to use simple, innova-  Ohio Sea Grant is supported by The Ohio
      environmental stewardship                                                   tive solutions to keep Ohio’s coastal and inland   State University College of Food, Agricultural,
                                                                                  waterway resources clean. The program assists   and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) School of
                                                                                  in protecting clean water and fresh air for gener-  Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio State
      The Ohio Clean Marinas team, consisting of   tailored to the marina industry.  ations of boaters to come.        University Extension, and NOAA Sea Grant, a
      a partnership between the Ohio Department   Highlighting  the  commitment  and   The ODNR Division of Parks and Watercraft   network of 34 Sea Grant programs nation-wide
      of Natural Resources (ODNR) and the Ohio   outstanding  achievements  of  marinas  provides exceptional outdoor recreation and   dedicated to the protection and sustainable
      Sea Grant College Program, hosted the 8th   and partners in advancing environmental   boating opportunities by balancing outstand-  use of marine and Great Lakes resources. Stone   11     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     APRIL 2024
      annual Ohio Marina Conference on Thursday,   sustainability, the Ohio Clean Marinas Program   ing customer service, education, and conserva-  Laboratory is Ohio State’s island campus on
      Feb. 29, at Maumee Bay State Park Lodge and   proudly recognized several deserving recipients   tion of Ohio’s 75 state parks and waterways.  Lake Erie and is the research, education, and
      Convention Center. The event drew over 100   through its awards program.     In 2024, join ODNR as we celebrate 75 years   outreach facility of Ohio Sea Grant and part
      industry professionals and stakeholders who   Atwood Lake Boats was selected as the Marina   of protecting Ohio’s natural resources and   of CFAES School of Environment and Natural
      convened to explore innovative strategies   of the Year for their exceptional dedication to   providing outstanding and award-winning   Resources. MAB
      for sustainable marina operations and   boat shrink wrap recycling with the Muskingum
      environmental stewardship.            Watershed Conservancy District. Ohio River
        “We are incredibly proud to honor these   Way was acknowledged as the Partner of the
      deserving recipients for their unwavering   Year for their invaluable support in expanding
      commitment to environmental preservation and   the Clean Marinas program to southern Ohio,
      sustainable business practices,” ODNR Director   fostering environmental stewardship along the
      Mary Mertz said. “Their dedication sets a shining   Ohio River.
      example for the entire industry and underscores   The following list of marinas and partners
      the importance of collective action in safeguard-  were also recognized as newly certified marinas:
      ing our waterways for future generations.”  Platinum Level – Atwood Lake Boats West   Year-Round Clubhouse, Restaurant & Lounge
        Dedicated to fostering collaboration and   Marina and Atwood Lake Boats East Marina;  365 Slip Marina | Heated Pool w/Tiki Bar
      knowledge exchange, the conference featured   Gold Level – Clendening Marina; and        Robust Power & Sail Fleets
      an array of distinguished speakers and panel   Base Level – Oasis Marina at North Coast
      discussions covering critical topics such as the   Harbor, The Boathouse at Stroud’s Run, Superi-  Junior & Adult Learn to Sail
      detection of harmful algal blooms, prevention   or Marine Group, and Tappan Marina.    6700 Memorial Shoreway NW
      of aquatic invasive species, carbon monoxide   Additionally, the following list of marinas and
      safety measures, and effective marketing strate-  partners were recertified:                Cleveland, Ohio 44102
      gies for sustainable businesses.        Gold Level – Buck Creek State Park Marina
        In the afternoon sessions, attendees engaged   Base Level – Fairport Harbor Rod and Reel
      in insightful discussions on marine debris   Association, Battery Park Marina, Oasis Marina   (216) 281-6470
      management, recycling initiatives, and explored   at Port Lorain, and SkipperBud’s Marina Del Isle.
      available grants and technical assistance   The Ohio Clean Marinas Program is a collab-

                                        THINK LIFE JACKETS ARE NOT FOR YOU? THINK AGAIN.

                                        In Ohio, 82% of the drowning victims in recreational boating
                                        accidents were not wearing a life jacket.

                                        Always wear a life jacket while boating.

                                                                        Get the facts at:
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