Page 11 - Mid America Boating - August 2024 issue
P. 11

where youngsters were   we would not have spotted her.       along, as required, but if they are needed,
                                                          carried offshore and had   The Coast Guard considers kayaks and   they must be worn to be of benefit. Take
                                                          to be rescued.          canoes as boats and requires that there must   someone along and jump overboard with
                                                            One    such    event  be a PFD for each person on board. Children   your PFD in hand, attempt to put it on and
                                                          happened while I was    of variable age, depending on state require-  see what a difficult task it is. Imagine being
                                                          returning from  a  charter   ments, must be wearing one and it must   in rough seas a good distance offshore and
                                                          fishing trip on the Miss   be  properly fitted and  fastened.  If  a person   alone. What might the outcome be?
                                                          Port Austin. It was a nice   enters the water with a type III PFD on that is   PFDs are not only required by law – they
                                                          day but dark clouds were   not fastened, the jacket can hold their arms   really should be on every operator of any boat
                                                          developing. We all noticed   extended outward and place them face down.  at any time on the water, because…
                                                          a strange object off in the   Kayaks, jet skis, canoes, paddleboards,   A PFD CAN’T SAVE YOU IF YOU DON’T
                                                          distance  and  became   inflatables of all types are toys to play with   WEAR IT. MAB
                                                          curious about it so I asked   on near-shore waterways. Although they are                         11     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     AUGUST 2024
                                                          my passengers if they   considered boats, they can present their   Perils of the Freshwater Seas, an anthology of
                                                          would like to take a ride   own dangers and their use requires a need   stories and experiences written by Captain Fred
                                                          offshore to check it out.   for respect, knowledge and caution. Many   Davis is  available for $22.30 (includes  shipping)
                                                          As we approached, we    people do not wear their PFDs while oper-  E-Mail:
                                                          saw  two children  sitting   ating their small “toys.” Some carry them
                                                          on a jet ski and an inflat-
                                                          able mattress sticking up
                                                          alongside it.
                                                            As  we got  closer,  we
                                                          noted a women swimming
                                                          and pulling the jet ski with
                                                          a long rope. We hailed her
                                                          and told her to come over
                                                          to the back of my vessel.
                                                          I lowered my aft platform
                                                          and  with  help  from  a  few
      be offshore taking them to depths over their   passengers we pulled the machine aboard
      heads. Unless they are wearing a personal   along with the woman and kids. We asked
      flotation device (PFD), or a boat is nearby,   how they had got so far offshore and what
      their lives are in peril.             had occurred. She said she was pulling one
        The National Safe Boating Council repeat-  kid at a time on the inflatable and when she
      edly states, “Life Jackets, They Don’t Work If   stopped to switch riders, the tow rope got
      You Don’t Wear Them.”                 sucked into the drive system of the jet ski and
        This reminder applies not only to boaters   shut it down. She expressed her gratitude and
      but it should be a guide to all who venture   we agreed that if she had not had a life jacket
      out or let their children go on the water in   on as she was trying to pull the jet ski she
      floatables. I have witnessed numerous cases   would have been pushed further offshore and
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