Page 8 - Mid America Boating - August 2024 issue
P. 8

It’s a Shore Thing

                                                                                  Cast It Forward offers a rare
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                                                                                  chance for many to enjoy our

                                                                                  outdoors and Lake Erie

                                                                                  Vets, kids, disabled benefit from Art Panfil’s unique program

                                                                                  By D’Arcy Patrick Egan                 My father, despite being quite the sports-
                                                                                  Photos by D’Arcy Patrick Egan        man, had never cast a lure in his life, and no
                                                                                                                           interest in fishing or the great outdoors.
                                                                                  Growing up on the Lake Erie shore-            Art Panfil, of Richfield, Ohio,
                                                                                  line  in  the  1950s,  fishing  was  an      would have felt my angst. It is
                                                                                  avocation, but never a slam                   the reason he created Cast It
                                                                                  dunk. It was rare to find anyone               Forward in 2021, and began
                                                                                  in my Old Brooklyn neighbor-                   taking  disadvantaged  kids,
                                                                                  hood who enjoyed catching fish,               young Boy Scouts, military
                                                                                  and I’d never met anyone who                  veterans,  disabled  kids and
                                                                                  owned a boat.                                adults and senior citizens for
                                                                                   Despite being so young and so             complimentary boat rides.
                                                                                  short I wasn’t allowed to ride the rides   I met Panfil at his exhibit at the Cleve-
                                                                                  at Euclid Beach Park, the only way I could   land Boat Show one winter day, and was
                                                                                  access small ponds  or  the Lake  Erie  piers   taken aback by his mission. A fisherman
                                                                                  and break walls around Cleveland was to   growing  up,  he  had  30  years  of  boating
                                                                                  take a bus. With a spinning rod and tackle   experience on Lake Erie. Now retired, he
                                                                                  box in hand, I was such a unique sight that a   wanted to share those gifts with young and
                                                                                  Cleveland News photographer captured my   old who were unaware of the magic of riding
                                                                                  image for a newspaper that went out of busi-  the waves of Lake Erie.
                                                                                  ness a couple of years later.          “Fishing can be just a part of the experi-
                                                                                                                       ence,” Panfil explained as we waited at the
                                                                                                                       dock at the Huron River Boat Access, where
                                                                                  Art Panfil nets another Lake Erie    he’d launched his 23-foot Hewescraft Pro V
                                                                                  walleye caught during a Cast It      fishing boat. “I want military veterans, senior
                                                                                  Forward excursion.                   citizens and kids who have never enjoyed a

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             Amenities vary by location.                                                                              Cedar Fair Entertainment Company ®  ©2023 Cedar Fair, L.P. CP24-112
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