Page 12 - Mid America Boating - August 2024 issue
P. 12

News from the ODNR

      Ohio Boat Shrink Wrap                                                       promote the program and encourage respon-  where you can recycle your shrink wrap, visit
      AUGUST 2024     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     12
      Recycling Program                                                           sible recycling behavior among boaters.  the Ohio Clean Marinas Program. You can
                                                                                   The program faces significant challenges,
                                                                                                                       also contact the Ohio Clean Marinas Program
      continues to thrive                                                         particularly contamination of shrink wrap at   Manager, Sarah Orlando, at ohiocleanmari-
                                                                                  collection points and drop-off events. Nylon
      Nearly 50,000 pounds already                                                straps, necessary to secure the shrink wrap   The  Ohio  Clean  Marinas  Program  is  a
      recycled in 2024                                                            during the off-season, must be completely   collaborative effort between the ODNR Divi-
                                                                                  removed by boaters for the material to be   sion of Parks and Watercraft, the ODNR Office
      The Ohio Boat Shrink Wrap Recycling Program                                 recyclable. Additionally, a new trend of shrink   of Coastal Management, and the Ohio Sea
      is continuing its mission of collecting plastic                             wrap with felt backing has emerged, making   Grant College Program designed to encour-
      before it reaches a landfill by helping secure two                          recycling impossible.                age marinas and boaters to use simple,
      new grants for its partners. So far in 2024, nearly   has collected 30,000 pounds of shrink wrap   “We need the cooperation of all stake-  innovative solutions to keep Ohio’s coastal
      50,000 pounds of boat shrink wrap has been   this year and will use the funds to purchase a   holders—boaters, marinas, and manufactur-  and  inland waterway  resources clean. The
      collected. That’s in addition to the more than   new box truck for recycling pick-up efforts at   ers—to ensure the success of the recycling   program assists in protecting clean water and
      2.3 million pounds recovered since the program   marinas throughout Northern Ohio. The grant   program, said Ohio Clean Marinas Program   fresh air for generations of boaters to come.
      started in 2006, a collaboration created by the   will also support the purchase of wire bins   Manager Sarah Orlando. “Proper preparation
      Ohio Clean Marinas Program. Shrink wrapping   and shipping containers to be placed stra-  of shrink wrap is crucial to keeping thousands   ODNR to host 10th
      boats is a way to protect them during the winter-  tegically at marinas near Lake Erie as public   of pounds of material out of Ohio landfills.”
      time and wrapping a 25-foot boat is equivalent   drop-off points.            The grants from the OSS Solid Waste   Annual Ohio Women’s
      to 2,062 plastic shopping bags.         “We have dispensed 15% of the wire bins,   Management District and Ohio EPA will help
        “The Ohio Boat Shrink Wrap Recycling   and they have been very well received,” said   the Boat Shrink Wrap Recycling Program  Outdoor Adventure
      Program is key to protecting our envi-  James Johnson, the head of the program with   grow and addressing contamination issues is   weekend
      ronment,” said ODNR Division of Parks &   Firelands Local LLC. “Once we get the box   essential to sustain that growth. Collabora-
      Watercraft Chief Glenn Cobb. “Grants from   truck, it will allow us to deliver the bins in a   tion among all stakeholders is vital to main-  The  Ohio Department  of Natural Resourc-
      the Ottawa Sandusky Seneca Solid Waste   more timely and economical way. The smaller   tain the program’s success.  es (ODNR) is opening registration for the
      Management District and the Ohio EPA help   truck will also enable us to access smaller   The program’s key achievements include   10th annual Ohio Women’s Outdoor Adven-
      this program grow and improve. These funds   marinas that do not have room for the old   successful drop-off events in Toledo, the   ture  weekend.  The  three-day  event  is  set
      boost our program partners’ recycling efforts,   truck to maneuver.”        purchase of two balers for the Muskingum   to take place at the breathtaking Mohican
      encourage boaters to recycle, and help   A second grant, from the Ottawa Sandusky   Watershed Conservancy District, advertising   State Park Lodge & Conference Center from
      preserve our waterways and natural resourc-  Seneca (OSS) Solid Waste Management   efforts in western Ohio, and establishing a   September 20-22.
      es for the future.”                   District to Carroll Township, provides $7,000   public drop-off site in Cincinnati. In Northern   This exciting weekend is designed to intro-
        A grant from the Ohio Environmental   for two billboards along State Route 2 in   Ohio, shrink wrap is collected and delivered   duce women to an array of outdoor skills,
      Protection Agency (EPA) to CLI, Inc., provides   Ottawa County, encouraging boaters to   to Mondo Polymer Technologies, where it   including boating, fishing, shooting sports,
      nearly  $75,000 for equipment to  boost the   recycle their shrink wrap. The first billboard   is converted into guard rail blocks for Ohio   and nature programming. The program, which
      organization’s efficiency and  capacity for   will be up in June 2024 for three months, with   highways.         is open to women aged 16 and older (minors
      shrink wrap recycling. Firelands Local LLC   the second appearing in March 2025 ahead of   For more information about the Ohio Boat   must be accompanied by a parent or guard-
      – the business service division of CLI, Inc. –   the boating season. These billboards aim to   Shrink Wrap Recycling Program and how and   ian), is tailored for beginners while offering

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