Page 9 - Mid America Boating - August 2024 issue
P. 9

U.S. Army veterans Milt and Cheryl Link   hoped their experienced skipper could
                                                                                  of Dublin, Ohio celebrate catching a   connect them with a big walleye.
                                                                                  pair of Lake Erie walleye on a Cast It   Sending us down the Huron River and
                                                                                  Forward excursion.                   onto Lake Erie outfitted with special fishing
                                                                                                                       hats and shirts for the adventure was volun-
                                                                                                                       teer Trevor Tieche, who had transformed his
                                                                                  is his obligation to take out those who   Port Clinton, Ohio gym into the Team VIAC
                                                                                  might never have the chance to enjoy the   Training Center, a nonprofit gym focused on
                                                                                  big waters of Lake Erie and help them to   helping combat veterans dealing with post
                                                                                  learn about this magical place.      traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
                                                                                   “This week, I’ve hosted                              Lunch, drinks and
                                                                                  young cancer patients                               fishing hats are provid-
                                                                                  and their families, and   Panfil is a licensed      ed to each person who   9     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     AUGUST 2024
                                                                                  children with Down’s  skipper, but not a fishing    comes aboard, as well
                                                                                  Syndrome. We’ve had     guide who charges for       as use of quality fishing
                                                                                  plenty of Boy Scouts.                               tackle – and free coolers
                                                                                  I  encourage  military  his services. He feels      in order to ferry their
                                                                                  veterans to go for a boat   it’s his obligation to take   catch home.
                                                                                  ride, as well as disabled                             More than 300 passen-
                                                                                  folks who need a helping   out those who might      gers now board the Cast
                                                                                  hand,” he said.        never have the chance        It Forward craft each
                                                                                   Cast It Forward trips                              year, and all of them
                                                                                  are esoteric – and free   to enjoy the big waters   will take away their
                                                                                  – adventures on Lake        of Lake Erie…           own special memories,
                                                                                  Erie, a Great Lake to be                            thanks to Panfil and his
                                                                                  experienced.                                        support organizatons.
                                                                                   Starting in 2021, Panfil began recruit-  “Cast It Forward depends on donations,
                                                                                  ed sponsors and volunteers to be able   and we’ve gotten support from all around
                                                                                  to provide the Lake Erie experience, and   the region, including generous grants
                                                                                  Panfil made it a moveable feast. His boat   from agencies such as the Ottawa County
                                                                                  is substantial enough to handle new “crew   Community Foundation (OCCF),” said
                                                                                  members” for each outing, but it also sits   Panfil. “The OCCF, which funded this trip,
                                                                                  on a trailer, so Panfil can choose where to   thoroughly investigates each grant it hands
                                                                                  launch each trip to make them convenient   out, as well as hundreds of college scholar-
                                                                                  for his steady stream of passengers.  ships, and we’re honored to be included.”
                                                                                   On a weekday morning late last spring,   For more information on booking
      sunrise on Lake Erie, the freedom of riding   Panfil is encyclopedic in his knowledge   U.S. Army veterans Cheryl and Milt Link of   a trip with Panfil, or to contribute to
      the waves or, yeah, maybe even catching a   of Lake Erie, boating and fishing. Panfil is   Dublin, Ohio, who have a summer place on   Cast It Forward, call 440-221-8013; visit
      few walleye. It’s a thrill for them, and just as   a licensed skipper, but not a fishing guide   the Marblehead Peninsula, were our anxious; or email:
      much a major league kick for me.”     who charges for his services. He feels it   anglers.  While  they  were  boat savvy,  they MAB

                                                                                     End of Summer

                                                                                  SALES EVENT!

                                        Join us for a
          Financing           BAY POINT BOAT SHOW
           Options            AUGUST 24 & 25
                                    Presented In-the-Water at
                              Bay Point Marina, 200 Bay Point Blvd.,
                                        Marblehead, OH

                                                                                                                   UP TO $20,000
                              Join us at our Boat Show!…               7130 E. Harbor Rd. (SR 163)
                              or visit our Showroom…                   Marblehead, Ohio 43440                       SAVINGS!
                              Showroom open Mon-Fri, 9am–5pm;          419.732.3355                                 on in-stock models only
             Connie Roberts   Sat, 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday    
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