Page 13 - Mid America Boating - August 2024 issue
P. 13

meals, a t-shirt, transportation between venues,   through H2Ohio, and this wetland restoration   ing to improve water quality, habitat for wild-
                                            and evening activities. With only 100 spots   is a great addition to the projects that protect   life, shoreline protection and resiliency in the
                                            available, early registration is encouraged.  our waterways and Lake Erie,” ODNR Director   face of climate change.”
                                              Registration opens for first-time partici-  Mary Mertz said. “Building a wetland in the bay   H2Ohio is Governor DeWine’s statewide
                                            pants on Tuesday, July 9 at 10 a.m., and for   will maintain water connectivity with the lake,   water quality initiative designed to address
                                            past participants the following Tuesday, July   which is vital to supporting fish spawning and   complex issues impacting Ohio’s waters.
                                            16 at 10 a.m.                         nursery habitat and reducing wave energy that   Launched in 2019, H2Ohio uses a compre-
                                              For a complete listing of sessions and regis-  reaches the shore and leads to erosion.”  hensive approach guided by science and
                                            tration details, please visit  To visitors, a nature-based barrier wetland   data to reduce algal blooms, stop pollu-
      a welcoming, pressure-free environment to                                   will look like islands that are several feet   tion, and improve access to clean drinking
      explore new outdoor activities.                                             offshore. It prevents shoreline erosion and   water by supporting best farming practices,
        “This event provides a fantastic opportu- New H2Ohio coastal              helps with nutrient reduction, while providing   road salt runoff reduction, litter cleanup,
      nity for women to build their outdoor recre-  wetland project under         a habitat for wildlife and plants.   dam removal, land conservation, and water   13     [     MID-AMERICA BOATING     ]     JUNE 2024
      ation skills, forge new friendships, and simply                              “The ODNR Division of Wildlife is proud to   infrastructure revitalization. For more infor-
      have fun,” said ODNR Director Mary Mertz.   way in Sandusky Bay             collaborate with partners such as The Nature   mation visit
      “Women of all ages will enjoy a weekend filled                              Conservancy to restore valuable wetland
      with discovering new outdoor pursuits.”  As part of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s   habitats,” ODNR Division of Wildlife Chief   Put-In-Bay Aquatic Visitor
        The event involves several of ODNR’s divi-  H2Ohio initiative, the Ohio Department of   Kendra Wecker said. “Wetlands are vital to
      sions including, Parks & Watercraft, Forest-  Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wild-  hundreds of wildlife species, so projects such   Center project begins
      ry, Natural Areas & Preserves, Wildlife, and   life and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) began   as this one in Sandusky Bay will benefit our
      Geological Survey. This ensures a diverse   construction of a unique barrier wetland in   natural world.”        The  Ohio Department  of Natural Resourc-
      range of activities and programs, as well as   Sandusky Bay. The project site is located just   This project is the second to break ground   es (ODNR) Division of Wildlife has started
      expert guidance.                      offshore  of  Pickerel  Creek  Wildlife  Area  in   as part of a long-term effort to improve water   renovations to the Put-In-Bay Aquatic
        Participants will have the opportunity to   Sandusky County.              quality and wildlife habitat in Sandusky Bay.   Visitor Center to provide an educational
      engage in a variety of sessions, such as kayak-  Sandusky  Bay is a protected embayment   The first project was completed in 2023, when   experience  that  highlights  fishing  and  the
      ing, stand-up paddleboarding, fishing, hiking,   between the mouth of the Sandusky River and   44 acres of wetland were restored to recon-  rich Lake Erie ecosystem.
      shotgun and rifle basics, stream quality   Lake Erie. It is a prominent tributary to Lake   nect Pickerel Creek with its floodplain, allow-  “Lake  Erie  is  Ohio’s  crown  jewel,  where
      monitoring, wild edibles, sustainable living,   Erie and a valuable resource for recreational   ing more natural water exchange between the   people can relax, boat, swim, and enjoy
      and more.                             and commercial activities.            stream and adjacent land during storms.  top-tier fishing,” Ohio Governor Mike DeWine
        Accommodations for the weekend will be   “This is only the beginning of the H2Ohio   “Water quality and aquatic life in Sandusky   said. “This new aquatic visitor center will be
      at the Mohican State Park Lodge & Confer-  wetland  restoration  work  planned  for   Bay have been compromised over time due   a go-to destination for people to learn about
      ence Center, located in Perrysville (Ashland   Sandusky Bay,” said Governor Mike DeWine.   to a variety of factors including agricultural   everything Lake Erie has to offer and all of the
      County). Situated on thousands of wooded   “This barrier wetland highlights our commit-  drainage, development, and shoreline hard-  work that goes into protecting it.”
      acres, Mohican State Park is a must-see for   ment to preserving habitat and improving   ening. This project may serve as a proof-of-  The Put-In-Bay Aquatic Visitor Center lies
      adventurers and nature lovers. Attendees will   water quality for Ohioans and wildlife alike.”  concept in utilizing a nature-based solution   on South Bass Island in Lake Erie’s western
      enjoy a fun weekend while staying in newly   Construction of the nature-based barrier   to restore vital coastal wetlands and stabilize   basin. The facility and dock will be closed in
      updated, comfortable lodge rooms.     wetland began in April and is anticipated to   the shoreline,” said Alexis McCarter, natural   2024 to public access while work is ongoing
        The cost for the weekend is $395 per person,   last through June, with revegetation efforts   infrastructure director for The Nature Conser-  and is expected to reopen in 2025.
      with two participants sharing a room. This fee   continuing throughout the summer.  vancy in Ohio. “Coastal wetlands provide   “This is an exciting project that will tell
      includes lodging, four activity sessions, five   “We have made water quality a priority   myriad benefits, including nutrient process-  See News from ODNR page 15

             Life is good

             on a boat.

          1611 Sawmill Parkway Huron, OH 44839                                                                                             SHOP
          (419) 780-8516  |                                                                                       INVENTORY

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